~Chapter Nine~

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(Tae's POV Present Part 3)

The ride was quiet as I hear the faint sounds of Yoongi's light snore next to me. Everyone else were either busy on their phones or staring out of the window, watching the night sky above us. Again my mind was filled with emotions. They bounced back and forth and up and down like a trampoline, with no ending or beginning. The stars in the night sky shimmered and sparkled, bringing back memories I had of my grandparents. How much they loved each other with every waking breath. I always wondered how they managed to stay in love for so long. I was curious. Curious about everything.

Throughout my life I've always wondered about the world. I saw things in a different point of view. It was what my grandparents had told me when they raised me. It's not that I wasn't normal or anything but people just didn't seem to understand why I saw the world in color instead of black and white or why I was generous and caring to everyone. My grandparents told me that I had a strong heart that's why a lot of people never understood me.

I was raised by my grandparents since my mother and father had tried to work many jobs trying to provided a good education and descent living for all of us. They say when two people are in love with each other, they're always willing to be together regardless of the hardships. When I look at my parents I can tell they loved each other but I never understood why they couldn't keep me at home with them. One day I went up to my grandmother and asked them if they loved and cared for each other the why couldn't we be together as family. She said it was because they wanted what was best for us and that one day I'll understand.

Those words kept playing in my head ever since and I still wonder what she meant. I remember being fifteen years old sitting in the school cafeteria with my friends during lunch. My friend hadn't packed a lunch since his mother forgot to give it to him before they left the house. I opened up my packed lunch and gave it to him, as his face turned to a confused one.

"Gwenchana. I'll just go on line and get something from there" I say smiling as I get up from the seat and get in line.

I got in line and waited with a tray in my hand.  I noticed a girl in front of me, whose shoes were untied. I tapped on her shoulder and she quietly turns around.

"You're shoes untied, Ji Woo" I say pointing down at her feet

She looks down and gasp a little "Ah jinjja?" She whines "How many times is this going to happen today?" She puts her tray on the counter, purely out of frustration, and adjust herself before kneeling down to tie them.

"Ah wait! I can do it for you!" I say putting my tray on the counter and kneel down.

"You don't have to" She insisted

"It's no problem and I see you have an injured ankle" I say as I tied her shoe laces. Once I finished I straighten myself up and grab my tray.

"Thank you Taehyung. You're always helping people. Don't you think you're over doing it sometimes?" her voice turning into an annoyed one.

"I don't see a problem with being kind and respectful to one another. After all we're all human right?" I smile gently as I plated my tray with various side dishes.

She scoffs at my remark as she grabs her tray. She tosses her hair back, eyeing me up and down with little to no care "You're one those nice guys who finishes last. No wonder" She says rudely as she finishes plating her food and stomps off.

I didn't understand why she came off so rude to me after all I helped tie her shoe laces and made sure she was alright. But it didn't matter so I brushed it off as it was nothing like always. I sat back down at the table and started eating. My friends on the other hand were either halfway finished or just finished their meal.

"Thanks for the lunch, Taehyung. I'll bring you a lunch tomorrow" Hyunsik says politely

"Gwechana. You don't have to, but thanks" I say as I take another bite of my food.

"Hey Tae. I saw what happened with you and Ji Woo. She didn't have to act that towards you." Hyunwon says as he cleans up his mess

"Ji Woo will be Ji Woo so there's nothing I can do but just shrug it off." I say paying no mind

"I bet she's still mad because her boyfriend broke up with her and is taking it out on you because you're nice and won't do anything" Hyunsik says in an annoyed tone.

"Can we stop talking about this and talk about this something else?" Hyungwon says in a slightly irritated tone.

We talked for the rest of the lunch period about our future plans when we go to college in the next four years. My friends knew I enjoyed photography and every year my grandparents take me to Jeju Island. Jeju Island was my only place where I felt at peace and the yellow and green flowers bloomed beautifully.

I didn't have a camera of my own so I would often borrow my friends's camera's or my grandparents old one's and just go out and roam the neighborhood and take photos. I enjoyed every single detail when it came to developing them. It amazes me at how beautiful, clear and detailed each photo came out. Sometimes I would asks me neighbors if I could take a picture of their garden or themselves and they would happily say yes.

Even at school my teachers would suggest that I joined the photography club even though I always had to borrow the cameras. Everyone at school saw how amazing my photos came out and wanted me to take photos of them for special occasions like graduation family gatherings, and Korean holidays.

Lunch break was over and we started heading to our last class. As we walked down the hall, I heard my name bang called and I turn around to see Ji Woo running up to me.

"Yah Taehyung! I need to ask you a favor" She sneers as she leans against the wall twirling her hair.

"Umm ok. What's the favor Ji Woo?"

"I need you to take a photo of me tomorrow. It's for....a modeling agency I'm trying to get into" She says, as I could sense she was lying to me

"Are you using this to get back at your ex because that's not gonna make him come back to you" I say politely

"Huhh!? " She yells angrily "You have no clue about relationships or love Kim Taehyung! I don't even know why I asked you anyway" She huffs as she stomps off down the hall, hair swaying from side to side

I sigh in frustration and head into the classroom and took my seat. I couldn't wait t get home and look at my photos again but most of all I secretly wanted to work on my singing, which was also my passion.


It was the next day at school and it's was almost 11:00 am, just about an hour before lunch break. I spent all night studying and working on my singing to the point that I felt like I could show my talent to the whole school. I've been wanting to show my singing abilities ever since I was a child but even I was too shy to even sing in front of my family members.

The class had started and moments later there was a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door and lets a girl come in. She had beautiful black hair, her skin was silky smooth and she had light rosy cheeks on her face.She stood in front of the class, clutching her back, looking down on the ground.

"Attention students! We have a new student this year. Please show her around and treat her well. Please introduce yourself" He says warmly to her.

"Annyeonghaseyo. I'm Min Jisu..."

It was at that moment when my life had changed....

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