~Chapter Seventy Two~

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My whole world and everything with it had shattered. I was alone again. Alone, confused and afraid as I watched my husband leave the driveway and out to somewhere I could never find him. The pit of my stomach ached with pain and discomfort as my knees were flat on the ground, begging and crying for him to come back. I lost the love of my life again and it was all thanks to Taehyung's selfish and fucked up mental disillusions and due to Jisu's fake heart broken love story and greed for money and recognition. 

I sobbed and sobbed while Taehyung was still standing right behind me, aware of my emotional state but not daring to step foot in my direction. "Y/N...All I wanted was you. All I wanted was to have you in my life and make you happy"

I quickly stood on my feet ad marched directly to Taehyung. I was in a fit of rage "Have me?! Make me happy?! After all you've done to me?! For lying to me and seducing me into having an affair with you?! Then go on and write your feelings about me and use Jisu as a tool to get over me? Then you go and barge into my house and force yourself on me and now I'm playing the guessing game of who's the father of my baby?! How does all of that equate to bringing me happiness, Taehyung?!" I said pushing him hard on the chest, causing him to stumbled a little "I was happy before, when you were just yourself and not some crazy lunatic. How does you threatening me to chose my husband over you going to bring me happiness?! I was happy with my husband! I was happy starting over with my husband and now look what happened! You and Jisu ruined everything for me and I absolutely hate you for it!" I shout with all the anger I had left in me.

If I had the courage to come up to you and told you how I really felt about you then none of this would've happened! But if it wasn't for that asshole husband of yours then none of this would've happened!"

I slapped him right across his face. He takes a hold of his face and glares at me "You inconsiderate asshole! You're blaming my husband for this? All because you were too afraid to tell me about your true feelings? You blame him for something that he didn't cause!? Have you gone insane!?"

His eyes locked with mine, tears trickling down his reddened cheeks "Yes I blame him! Yes I'm insane! I'm a damn lunatic! I'm a lunatic because the very people I loved and cared about always gets taken away from me or leave me for someone else!" He shouts angrily, violently digging and pulling his hair in all directions. "I'm crazy for reasons that I don't even know! I blame Jisu, I blame Hoseok, I blame the whole entire fucking world for everything! You hurt me, Y/N! You hurt me by falling in love with him instead and I have every right to feel how I feel!"

It was then I realize I had to step away from him. He was losing it and I had no idea of where it would lead to. I was in a state of fear as I slowly walk back to the house, being cautious for him not to notice. As if I spoke to soon, Taehyung quickly runs to my side and grabs my arm and turns me around. I shook in fear but very surprised he didn't do anything else that would lead to something dangerous or out of proportion. Instead he gets on his knees, still holding my arm, and sobs. "I don't want to hurt you. I never wanted to."

"I don't want to hear it! You've caused enough harm. I refuse to be a bandage to your broken heart again. I refused to be manipulated by you. You've changed. I don't even know who you are anymore" I wiggle myself out of him grasp "Now leave or else I have no choice but to call the cops on you"

"Please, Y/N! All I want to do is love you" He sobs wrapping his arms around my legs, pleading with every painful breath.

"I said leave! Please!" I said, struggling to get out of his hold. "Taehyung, you need to get some help."

He still refuses to let go, tears staining my jeans as he sobs and shakes uncontrollably. "Why me!? Why do I always end up getting hurt, Y/N? What did I do to deserve this!?"

I was at a loss for words hearing his painful cries and pleas. He was so hurt and broken and in desperate need of help. I tried my best to remain as calm and collected as possible as I reach for my phone to call 911 but then one black van, one dark blue car and another car, arrived at the front driveway. My suspicions grew. My anxiety grew until I recognize the person stepping out of the black van. It was Namjoon. Then came out Jungkook, Jin and the rest of the members, including Soonmin. Next thing I knew, Hyungsik and Hyungwon had stepped out of the car, looking distraught and worried, as he takes cautious steps towards the steps to the house. My anxiety grew with every second until another familiar figure steps out of the third car. It was Hobi. I felt a wave of relief seeing Hobi, the members, the staff and two of Taehyung's best friends come to the rescue.

My hand, still gripping my phone, shook violently, trying not to make any sudden moves. Instead I lightly patted Taehyung head in hopes to console him and ease his grip on me.

Hyungsik finally makes it to the doorsteps, with Hyungwon standing right behind him, and slowly ease his way towards Taehyung. "Taehyung...we're here to help you. You are in desperate need of help" He says in the most calmest tone.

"You don't know what I've been through" He mumbles against my legs.

"Of course I don't but what I do know is that you never deserved what you've been through. Look at what you've accomplished so far. You have friends and family that genuinely love and care about you"

"I accomplished everything, including getting my heart broken twice." He says harshly

"I know your heart is not easy to repair but I know in my heart that you deserve as much love as everyone else. But I'm here. Hyungwon is here. We're all here....so please...trust me. Trust us...come with us so we can give you the help you need"

I continue to caress his hair until he looses his grip around my legs and let's go. Hyungwon and Hyungsik walk over and help Taehyung get on his feet. Taehyung suddenly breaks down in tears and clings onto both. They both pat him gentle on the back, ensuring that everything will be fine, and walk him down the steps and to the car. The tension in my body relaxes and my rapid breathing starts to subside.

With in a mere seconds, Hobi comes running to me and engulfs me in a tight embrace. He breaks down in tears, mumbling "I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"I'm sorry too!"

"I had to come back! I walked out on you again when you needed me! I knew Taehyung was going to do something that would hurt you again. You don't know how terrified I was seeing Taehyung on you like that. I was afraid he was going to hurt you right in front of me!"

"I'm okay, Hobi. I'm not hurt!" I cried, clinging to him.

"I promise I won't walk out on you again! No matter what, I still love you. I know that baby is mine. I don't care who says. I'm not leaving you. I'll always protect you."

Is the nightmare finally over?....

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now