~Chapter Seventy Eight~

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Another four more months have passed and a lot more has been going on since then. Jisu and the rest involved in the scandal had their sentences extended due to other crimes they've committed. Jisu, who is currently serving time and already due to give birth, had already set up further plans to giving her child to her parents. Jisu's parents have already figured that Jisu would not be fit to be a mother, therefore decided to raise their grandchild while Jisu is serving time. Most likely, Jisu will never get to see her child grow up, which is quite disappointing because she had all that potential. Instead she used her selfish and greedy ways and destroyed her own life. To make matters worse is that Jisu's lover was never really the father of her baby. The real father was the former JYJ employee.

Jisu's parents have stayed in contact with me to make sure that I was doing alright. A couple of months ago, her parents never knew or met Jisu's lover or his parents in the first place. They didn't know Jisu had dropped out of medical school and never heard or or arranged Jisu and her lover to be married. In fact they didn't know about him until they heard about the scandal she had caused.  With the new information piling up, I was under going some severe stress and mild PTSD symptoms. Hobi and Namjoon had insisted I'd go seek therapy not only for my own well being but to make sure that I was not stressing out during my pregnancy. Therapy was going alright, till this day I'm still seeing a therapist and Hobi comes with me and even attends some of my sessions. My symptoms have slowly started to subside but Hobi is still feeling a great deal of betrayal and grief because of Taehyung. Hobi still has trust issues with him and hasn't gone to visit him months.


"Hurry! Open my present first!" Jimin says jumping up and down as he awaits.

"I got two hands, Jimin." I chuckle, tearing the wrapper off, revealing five cute little pairs of BT21 socks of Chimmy. "Oh wow! These are so adorable, Jimin! Thank you so much!"

Jin walks over and moves Jimin to the side, handing me a big box wrapped in pink "My present is better so hurry and open it!"

I rustled and tore the wrapper and gasp "Oh wow! A poster of....you in Hanbok....that says 'Worldwide Handsome Uncle' in your handwriting.....H-how cute"

Jin smirks and glides his thumb under his chin "Gotta let my future niece/nephew know how handsome their uncle is"

Yoongi comes from behind and shoves Jin roughly to the side. He was in the middle of eating cake and ice cream. He hands me a small box wrapped in gold and white wrapper "Here." He simply says with his mouth full.

"Oh I wonder what's in here?" I said excitedly

"Melatonin" Yoongi mumbles under his breath

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Nothing. Nothing. Just open it"

I quickly open it. I raise an eyebrow "A box of....condoms? Yoongi this is a baby shower not sex ed"

"Yeah. I may be an uncle but I'll be damn to hear another whiny and crying baby interrupting my sleep. Besides, you guys need to calm the hell down with your baby making shit....I can hear you in my sleep....and you guys live just a couple of miles from us"

"Yoongi shut up!" Hobi interrupts "If it makes you feel better how about we buy you some ear plugs to cut out the sounds"

Yoongi squints his eyes and glares at Hobi "They broke because you two were too loud the last time. Yeonjun is still traumatized from the last time with you guys being loud in the dance studio"

Yeonjun head shoots up from the distance. He was feeding Yeontan vanilla ice cream "What!? I heard my name!"

"Don't feed Yeontan that ice cream you idiot!! Now he'll be farting all night!" Jin yells while running back to meet with the rest of the members of TxT to scold them.

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now