~Chapter Fifteen~

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I woke up to the feeling of something warm on my chest as the dark evening sky brought a nice chill through the window of the living room. I laid down comfortably on the soft sofa, brushing my husband's soft and slightly damp hair, as he slept peacefully with his arms wrapped around my waist. His soft breathing caused me to close my eyes and  reminisce on the beautiful and passionate moment we had just hours ago.

It was around 7:30 and at any given hour the members would already be coming back home, which meant that Hobi and I had to hurry up and fix ourselves and fix dinner. I gently tapped my husband's head to wake him but was still in deep sleep. I must admit he always looked so adorable when he sleeps and I honestly didn't want to wake him. Again I tapped his head but he just groaned and tightened his grip around my waist.

"Hobi" I whispered, brushing his hair away from his forehead and kissed him. "We have to get up. They'll be coming back home soon"

He buries his face into the crook of my neck "I don't want to. Let me just lay here" he says with a yawn.

"Would you want them to see us naked with our clothes everywhere on the floor?" I chuckle.

"I don't care"

"Are you sure?" I say teasingly

"Y/N it's not like they haven't seen me naked before"

I gulped at the sudden realization. Of course they've seen him naked but there was something about those words that made me feel uneasy. It brought up those memories of Taehyung and I. I can't believe I let him see me and touch me more than once and guilt decided to come pay a visit for a moment.

"Uhh..yeah...they have" I say with a slight stutter.

He lifts his head up and slowly gets himself to a sitting position. He gives me a worried glare but for some reason I just couldn't look at him. He soon realizes it and gently kisses my forehead and holds my hands.

"I just realize what I said...I'm sorry"

"It's ok. I have to learn to not take everything so seriously. Not everything needs to be a reminder of my mistakes."

"And I'll remind you again that we're ok now. We're all on good terms." He gives me one peck on the cheek and lifts himself off the sofa and stretches. "Lets hurry up before I get up again"

I yawned and stretched my arms out but stopped when I heard his remark "Wait, what?" I asked out of curiosity.

"I said lets hurry up before I get up again" He says with a smirk and a few winks, as he looks me up and down even though I was partially covered with a blanket.

It took me about five more seconds to realize what he was talking about and a smirk curved my lips. My cheeks turned to a blushing red and I threw a small pillow at him. He giggles once he's hit and grabs his clothes and puts them on. How could a man like him look so adorable and be so perverted at the same time? How did I end up marrying this man in the first place?

I gathered my clothes and stared putting them on quickly. After we got dressed, we fixed and cleaned the living room until it looked like the way it was before. I headed to the kitchen, washed my hands and started prepping for tonight's dinner; kimchi fried rice, kimbap, and steamed eggs.

Hobi enters the kitchen and starts taking out pots and pans from the cabinets and putting them on the stove. While I was busy getting the ingredients together and pan frying the fried rice, Hobi hugs me from behind and watches with admiration.

"Have I ever told you that you're an amazing cook?"

"Yes. You've told me many times" I chuckle

"I know. I just like asking you that. It's always nice cooking together. You cook better than Jin though"

"He got some of his cooking skills from me. But I didn't learn how to cook Korean food until he taught me.  You shouldn't say things like that about Jin" I teased "You're lucky he's not here to hear that"

"You know I'm just joking, honey!" he says while tickling my sides.

"Stop! You're gonna make me burn the food!" Laughing hysterically, trying to stop him from tickling me.

He stops momentarily "Ok. I won't tickle you anymore...for now" He says with a mischievous smirk.

"Oh stop it!" I chuckle

"I'll help with making the Kimbap and setting the table." He washes and dries his hands and grabs the bowl full of rice and vegetables and dried seaweed and places them on the large marbled counter top.

After prepping, cooking, fooling around and setting the table for about and hour and a half, I was ready to go sit down in the living room until Hobi gets a phone call.

"I'll be there in a moment. It's probably them" He steps out for a moment and I took my seat on the floor in front of the table, closest to the couch.

He comes back moments later with a smile on his face "They're here. Just in time."

"Wow! Just in time! And the food is nice and hot"

I hear the sound of the front door opening and soon the sound of loud footsteps and voices echoed throughout the gigantic house. I was excited to finally have dinner with all of them for the first time in months.

The first one I saw was Namjoon, who quickly walked up to up and kneeled down to give me a tight hug.

"Y/N! How was your day?"

"It was great! Got to spend time with Hobi and rested for a while" I smile at Hobi as he sat next to me. He gives me a small peck on the cheek.

"Good. Can't wait to eat and catch up on somethings with you" He says with a grin as he sits down and sits next to me.

"I hope you two didn't fuck in the living room cause you know that's were I like to sleep sometimes. I don't have a problem burning the sofas." Yoongi says with sarcasm as he plops himself on the couch. I took a quick glance at Hobi who was already half red because it was what we just did. It's not that we've never done it before but it was always embarrassing when Yoongi brings it up.

"Yoongi shut the hell up! Don't act like they've never lived here for years and haven't done it here" Jin says as he comes from around the corner. "It's their home too so don't act surprised"

"My go-" Namjoons says sounding slightly uncomfortable "Could you both just sit down so we can all eat this delicious meal that they both made and go to sleep. We have a heavy schedule this week" Namjoon says as calmly as possible, patting me on the shoulder.

The rest came into the living room and gathered around the table. Each and everyone of them were eyeing and savoring the powerful aroma as their mouth watered. The sound of the doorbell rang seconds later causing all of us to look to where the noise was coming from.

"Oh! I'll get that! Excuse me" Namjoon says, getting up and rushing out of the living room.

I heard a voice that was somewhat familiar but couldn't make it out since Jin and Yoongi were arguing again. Moments later Namjoon comes in and gestures the person to come in as well.

"You're here just in time! Please come in." Namjoon says politely.

A petite small figured woman walks in, hair tied into a ponytail dressed in casual jeans and a light green sweater. My eyes had become bigger and my palms become damp as I remember who this woman is.

Hobi rises his head and gives a welcoming grin "Ah you're here just in time! Come in!"

She smiles widely and swiftly walks in and takes a seat next to me. I Can't believe she's here.

I cant believe it's.....Alex

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now