~Chapter Sixty Five~

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(Taehyung's Past POV)

"Shut up, Hyungsik! Don't you dare tell me that I don't love Jisu! I'm marrying her and there's nothing you could say to make me change it!"

"You're completely confused!" Hyungsik yells. "Why would you even think of marrying that woman knowing damn well that she only wants to use you! How the hell does a woman like her even get passed audition!? You're betraying your true feelings, Taehyung!"

I grabbed Hyungsik by the collar glaring at him, hurt and pissed off that he would say such a thing on my wedding day. "Don't you dare tell me that I'm confused! Jisu is not using me! Why else did she come back for me! Huh!? Tell me!"

Hyungwon comes from behind, grabbing my arms, trying to pull me away from Hyungsik. "Taehyung calm the hell down! Hyungsik is right! You're not in love with Jisu! You're only marrying her because you're trying to get over y/n. You're marrying Jisu in y/n's image!"

I roughly pull Hyungwon off of me "You're wrong! I'm not marrying Jisu in y/n's image! I love her! Not Y/N!"

"Taehyung listen! You still being in love with y/n is wrong. Those things you wrote in your journal about her is not helping you at all. You're acting out your fantasies by using Jisu. But marrying her is definitely wrong! You're making a big mistake! You didn't give yourself enough time to grief! She's gonna end up hurting you! If she finds out about your journal, then who knows what the hell she'll do to you, y/n, and both companies!"

I didn't want hear anymore. I couldn't bare to hear anymore of their opinions so I tried to rush out the parking but Hyungsik grabs me again. My hands were in fists getting ready to punch him but he knew so he catches my hands and yanks the roughly to my sides. "Putting a hand on me is not gonna change anything Taehyung! You know you could never lay your hands on anyone so don't even try!"

"Hyungsik...just let him go." Hyungwon butts in again, breaking us apart, standing in between us. "There's no point in fighting him. It'll only make matters worst. Let him get married. Let him think he's in love with Jisu. Let him figure out his own feelings..." He finally looks at me, stern and head held high. "If Jisu ends up hurting you...it's absolutely on you. Not Y/N, not your band mates, especially not us. But if you end up going crazy and start chasing after a married woman who is clearly in a happy marriage and planning a family, then it's all on you! But just know that in the end we will always be your best friends and be there for you...but not for this. That's all I can say for you"

Every fiber in my being was fighting the demons that plagued my thoughts. On the inside I wanted to cry, scream and yell. Punch and kick anything to get rid of them. Why was I still in love with Y/N? Why am I wrong for it? Why was I wrong to marry Jisu? Why does everything I do to keep or gain love was wrong?

The arguement have finally cooled down but Hyungsik's gaze were still like daggers as I went into my car to get my tie. As I put on the tie, Hyungsik and Hyungwon leave to go stand at the altar. I went back into my car to get a small index card where I rehearsed my vows. They were vows that Hoseok said to Y/N on their wedding day. What Hosoek didn't know was that while he reread his vows, I was memorizing them for my own because at that time I was delusional and thought in my heart that I would still marry Y/N one day. My heart stung as I read the vows, feeling guilty because not only could I not come up with one for Jisu, but because I knew I could never say them to Y/N. I mixed the words up a little, so that Hosoek wouldn't notice that I got it from him. I tried so hard to hold onto the tears that I was holding back but they came out like an over flowing river. I hopped inside the car, roll up the windows and screamed and cried my lungs out. I hated myself. I hated my heart. I hate that I was betraying myself all because I fell in love with someone who loved someone who I was close to.

After releasing all of my pain and anger, I got out of the car, wiped my tears and fixed myself before I walked out of the parking to meet with the rest. I was still having a bit trouble with the tie until I saw Y/N and Hyungsik talking to one another. My heart started beating in and out of my chest, seeing how beautiful she looked. I just couldn't take my eyes off of her, but Hungsik's displeased gaze caught my attention and she walks away.

The wedding was about to start and I waited at the altar for Jisu's arrival. I was anxious and having second thoughts about the wedding. The wedding music starts playing and moments later, Jisu walks down the aisle, wearing that dress that was similar to Y/N's. She really did look like an angel, a princess our of a fairy-tale but on the inside I felt like I was doing something wrong. As I looked at Jisu as she elegantly walks down the aisle, I was replacing her face with Y/N's. My heart started beating faster as she nears and the image of Y/N was becoming clearer but it faded away and I was faced with the woman I didn't love. Jisu says her vows, but they didn't sound very sincere at all. I was faking my happy smile in front of her and the audience. It was agonizing. After she said her, I then started saying mine. A well of tears were starting to pour out again and I over Jisu's shoulders and started staring at Y/N as I said my vows. My heart stung like a thousand needles as I said them to her and Jisu was oblivious.

The big moment was about to come. That I would officially say "I do' to the woman I didn't love. Jisu quickly says I do and before I could open my mouth, Hyungsik shouts "I object!" I don't know what it was but I was feeling sort of relieved that he said that. I was happy that he would come to the rescue and stop me from saying I do, even though I pleaded for him not to do this. Then the unexpected happened. He goes to my collar and fixes my tie and says "I can't let you go and say I do when your tie is crooked" That moment my heart sank and I' faced with the realization that I had to say I do.

The wedding was over and the guests begin to depart and head back home. I saw Jisu, Y/N and two other girls from from group, huddled in a big hug. I approach them as the two girls part their ways and I come to Jisu and lift her in the air and kissed her as I spun her around. I tell Jisu to start getting ready and head to the car so we could go to the airport to Los Angeles. Jisu quickly walks to the parking and I"m faced to face with Y/N. All kinds of emotions were mixed up in me and at some point I struggled to come up with the right words to say to her. But then I felt like I could no longer hold in my feelings and decided that I would tell her that I was still in love with her. But like a car, hit a brake on my confession and blurted that I had lost a gift that I wanted to give her. She seemed to buy it, to my relieve but then again, I felt like a dumb ass.

But ever since the wedding, all I could could do was be a puppet to Jisu and succumb to her needs, regretting my decisions while fighting my undying love for Y/N....

Just when I thought I could tame myself, domesticate my own feelings, I found myself doing things that others would see as crazy, unloyal and unfaithful in a marriage....

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