~Chapter Seventy Six~

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Here I am at the doorstep of one of Seoul's mental rehabilitation with Hobi by my side. It was a semi sunny, semi cloudy war summer afternoon but my mood was the opposite of of todays nice weather. Standing at the very door made my skin crawl knowing that I'd have to come face to face with two individuals I didn't know and one who I had a close bond with. The more I though about it the more I wanted to just not go with it but with Hobi by my side, I felt a little safe. 

We walked into the building, had our bags checked and cellphones tucked and stowed away before being lead to the waiting room. My pregnant belly has now started to show underneath my light peach colored shirt and I rub my belly, smiling with content. One of the doctors had called me and told me to follow her. I look back at Hobi, looking at him with fear in my eyes. He mouths "You're going to be fine. I'm right here" and then smiles. Seeing that smile made some of the uneasiness disappear and the next thing I knew I was taken into a medium sized room where two middle aged sat and waited. 

"Please have a seat and he'll be out right in a moment" The doctor informs and leaves.

I took a seat across from them, scanning the small table in front of me as I was too nervous to look at them. The older man clears his throat and finally speaks. "You must be Y/N, right?"

I swallowed thickly and answered "Yes. Y-you must be Jisu's parents" 

"Yes...It's a pleasure to meet you. Congratulations on your pregnancy....I'm sorry we have to meet this way" The woman apologizes. 

"Thanks.....I...I honestly don't know what to say, I'm afraid. Your daughter has caused some severe damage to a lot of people, including me"

"That's why we're here to clear things out....There's a lot that we have to tell you both about our daughter and....we feel a great deal of sh-" Jisu's father's sentence was interrupted when Taehyung walks in.

He was wearing all white, his hear semi messy, covering half of his face. His face was pale, and he looked like he hadn't eaten for weeks. His face finally met with mine and a rush of fear swam over me. He had no expression whatsoever and sat down on the other seat facing three of us. He hasn't spoken a word since he came in. There was thick silence in the room. No one hadn't spoken for what seemed like a few minutes. With every bit of strength in me I finally spoke. 

"I-it's nice t-to see you Taehyung" I stuttered, every part of my body was tense.

He just nods as he looks at the table. 

Jisu's father clears his throat "T-Taehyung....I know it's been years since we've seen you and you probably have a great deal of resentment towards us which is completely understandable but...the reason why we came here is not to scold you or say any hurtful things...it's because we wanted you to know the truth"

"Truth about what?" Taehyung says half heartidily, raising his head up and glaring at the middle aged man. "To tell me how much of a coward I am? To tell me that I'm a worthless piece of shit and not good enough for your daughter? To tell me that my dreams are unrealistic again?"

"No.No. It's none of that....We wanted you to know the truth about how we truly felt about you. About our daughter and her true identity"

Taehyung scoffs and rolls his eyes. "What truth? You already told me that you hated me and that I was scum! You're here to make fun of me! To tell the whole world that I'm just a piece of shit with a fucked up head!"

Jisu's mother cuts in "No Taehyung. The truth is that we never hated you! The truth is that we never wanted our daughter to be close to you because she was not good for you."

"Liar!" Taehyung shouts "All everyone does is lie to me! All people do is hurt me!" He looks over at me "Y/N all I wanted was you to love me but in the end you still hurt me!"

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now