~Chapter Sixteen~

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"Alex? What a pleasant..surprise?" Giving her a nervous smile, shifting in my seat a little. I was unaware of her making a surprise visit so I couldn't comprehend all of what's going on. Who invited her and why didn't anyone tell me?

"It's great to see you, y/n!" Alex says with a soft smile " You seem surprised" Arching her eyebrow

"I- I kind of am actually" Chuckling nervously as I took a sip of water from my small glass. 

"I'm sorry if I did. I was invited to join you all for a quick dinner and couldn't wait to see you again." 

I took one last sip of water before getting up on my feet "Excuse me for a moment. I'll be right back" I offered her a painful smile before making my way out the living room. I heard footsteps following me but I didn't pay any mind as I was too focused on getting up stairs to the bedroom. 

I reached the doorknob and opened the door until a pair of hands stopped me from doing so. 

"Jagi. Wait" He says softly taking my hand in his "I know this is so sudden but let me explain why she's here"

"Let me just think for a m-wait?" Turning myself in his direction and lean against the door "Did you invite her?"

"Well..not...how do I say this" Hobi says scratching the back of his head, struggling to come up with some sort of explanation. It's not that I was mad at him, I was just surprised and not ready to see Alex just yet. 

"I invited her. We both did, actually" A deep voice coming from behind Hobi. It was Namjoon coming up he stairs to meet with the rest of us. "Y/N I know this is somewhat of a surprise for you but we invited her because we wanted you and Alex to finally talk"

I close my eyes and sigh deeply with my head leaning against the door. It's not that I didn't want to see her. I did want to talk things out but at my own terms. When I felt ready. 

"Namjoon. Hobi. I appreciate the effort for bringing her here but I didn't want to see her until I had already settled into a new job and gotten things situated out. I just don't think right now is the best time

"Y/N, please listen to me" Namjoon urges "Alex really wanted to see you tonight because tomorrow she is leaving for America and won't be coming back for a while. Also Hoseok really wanted you two to make amends and maybe have some understanding for each other. Back then she really felt so guilty for making you feel the way you felt about her and Hoseok. All we ask is for you two to talk. Can you do that?"

I shrug " Yeah I can. If it'll make things easier for you both" 

"Jagi. Don't do this for Namjoon or for me" He places a kiss on my forehead "Do it for yourself"

"Alright" Managing to put a descent smile this time "I'll do it" Lifting myself off the door and make our way back downstairs. 

"Thanks jagi" Hobi says in a thankful manner

"Thanks y/n" We'll have a great time. I promise" Namjoon says as he follows behind us.

We arrived back to the living room and settled back on our seats as the rest had looked at us with slight worry. 

"Is everything ok.?" Jungkook ask

"Yeah. We're good" Hobi replies with a big smile "Lets eat before the food cools down even more" 

It took me a while to finally start talking to Alex. It went from one question to eventually to asking her more than three in less than 15 minutes. The evening was going great so far and everyone was either quietly enjoying the meal, talking among one another, on their phones or like Yoongi, headed upstairs to their floors to sleep after eating. After about 30 minutes, the food was gone, thus leaving Hobi, Namjoon and the rest to clean up, while Alex and I continued to laugh and enjoy our conversation.

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now