Chapter Ten

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(Taehyung's POV Past Part 4)

"Annyeonghaseyo everyone. I'm Min Jisu" Jiso replied with a slight bow.

I don't know what came over me when I heard her name but it kept ringing in my ear almost like a beautiful sonnet. Her voice was like a sweet melody.

"I-I-I just moved h-h-here from Seoul just a few months ago so I'm still new here. Nice to m-meet you all. Please be good to me" She stutters as she keeps her head down to hide the reddish blush that formed on her cheeks.

"Thank Jisu Shi. Please have a seat next to that gentlemen over there" He says pointing to me direction.

She slowly made her way to her seat, not looking up for any instances. I got up from my seat and held out her seat for her. She stops in her tracks, still clutching on to her books as if I was going to do something harmful to her. She looked at me confused and was hesitant to sit down.

"Please sit down. Don't worry, I won't bite" I chuckle

She nervously giggles and sit down and fixes herself in the seat. She took out a notebook that was decorated with pictures of Jeju Island and flowers.

"Wow! You're notebook is beautiful! I like Jeju Island. It's where my grandmother takes me every year." My eyes widen with surprise as I lean closer to look at her notebook.

"Jinjja?" Her voice raises at the though of hearing me mentioning Jeju Island "My family and I go every year too!" She smiles at me

"Daebak! Small world isn't it? I'm Kim Taehyung. Nice to meet you" I bow to her

"Nice to meet you. You're the first person to offer such kindness to me."

"I see. I'm the kindness person at this school so feel free to talk to me." I grin at her and she laughs.

Class was over after 45 minutes and it's was time for lunch. I gathered my things before stopping to talk to Jisu.

"You want to walk to the cafeteria together? The school is a bit huge so you can easily get lost finding the cafeteria."

"Oh..well..that'll be nice..Thank you" She stutters nervously

"Great. I can help you by carrying your things to the locker."

"Ummm, are you sure? I mean you don't have to" He stutters

"I know I don't. I just want to because I want to and you're new" I smirk

"Ok..thank you then" She gets up from her seat and we head to the lockers. Her locker was decorated with pictures and souvenirs of Jeju Island. I was fascinated by her taste in nature.

"You're locker is amazing. You have all kinds of beautiful pictures of Jeju." I say with my mouth open with surprise.

"I know" She says, her face blushing red."It's amazing isn't it? Does your locker have pictures of Jeju as well?"

"Umm not really. I never owned a camera so I don't have any. I keep the pictures in my head " I say, pointing at my head.

"Hmm, perhaps you have photogenic memory?" She chuckles

"You can say that" I smile back at her "Shall we go to the cafeteria then?" I say, motioning her to the hall. She nods in reply and we walked the halls and downstairs to the cafeteria. Once we got there we stood in line to get our plate of food. Once we got our plates fills with food we find a table near the window and sat down.

"I hope your day here is going well so far" I say to her

"It is because I think I made a friend today" Jiso laughs nervously

"I'm glad. My grandmother usually makes me lunch to take to school but her health is declining"

"Oh! How sweet of her. I bet it's delicious" she says taking her bite of food

"It is. Too bad I can't cook. I'm terrible at it" I laugh

"Don't say that. Anyone can" She says patting me on the arm and I blush.

A few minutes into eating, two of my friends came along and joined us, but was curious about the girl that was at our table.

"Oh! Who's this lovely girl at our table?" Hyungsik teases as he sits down on his seat.

I stopped eating for a moment took look at my friends who were already seated with their lunches " Oh! This is Min Jisu. She's from Seoul and she just moved here a few months ago" I smile at my friends as Jisu hides her face with her short hair.

"You don't have to be shy Jisu. These are my good friends they won't hurt you...They're just stupid sometimes" I look at my friends with a smirk as they charge back at me with a bunch of stupid comebacks.

Her mouth formed into a gently smile and she slowly turns her head towards my friends "N-nice to meet you two"

"See? Wasn't so hard right?" I chuckle

"Yeah. It wasn't." She chuckles back

We talked for quite sometime until lunch was over and gathered our trash and dispose of them in the trash cans. I had two more classes left before I had to go home. Jisu only had one more before she had to go to calligraphy lessons after school. So as I walked down the hall to my photography club, I hear my friends calling my name as the ran up to meet me.

"Taehyung! Where are you going" Hyungwon asks, panting with every second as he holds onto my shoulder for support

"To my photography club. Why?"

"We wanted to see if you want to come over my house and hangout a bit"

"I'll pass. I want to get these photos developed before I go home." My face suddenly formed a smile. It wasn't just a smile of pure joy that I have when I take pictures but it was a smile that had me feeling warm inside.

"Tae...why are you smiling like that? You've been smiling like that ever since lunch break" Hyungsik says as he observes my face

I snap out of it and started to quickly gather my things, hoping that they didn't bring up anything to do with Jisu.

"Is it because if that new girl!?" Hyungwon says, ruffling my hair into a complete mess.

"No! It's not that!" I protest

"He's lying! Tae is falling for Jisu. Look at him blush!" Hyungsik says as he pokes my cheeks rapidly and I swat his hands away.

"Ya hajima! You don't know what I could be smiling about." I held onto my small bag and start walking down the hall while my friends followed behind me, playfully hitting each other.

"You never know Tae. She might like you too"

I ignore my friends humorous remarks until I finally reached the room where my photography club was being held and opened the door.

"I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Ok. Don't think that this is over. You never know if you two might fall in love with each other and marry each other one day." Hyungsik teases again before they took the opposite direction and head downstairs.

I didn't want to admit that I had a great time with Jisu and I looked forward to spending more time with her. But at the same time I really hoped that she liked me they way I did. I came home at around 6pm, after my club was over, to tell my grandmother about Jisu. She had this bright smile on her face, which almost made me forget about her condition and what I was about to say about Jisu.

My grandmother had a small box in her hand and she motioned me to sit next to her on the couch. She told me to open it so I did. I took out a brand new camera and I immediately hugged her and thanked her at least ten times. It was the greatest gift I've ever received and I couldn't be more happier.

"I wonder how Jisu would look if I took a picture of her?"

Is it true? Does she like me?

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