~Chapter Fifty Eight~

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"According to your results, it looks like you've got a bad case of food poisoning."

My heart had shattered into a million pieces. How could this be? "F-food poisoning? So you mean that...I'm not pregnant, doctor?"

"I'm afraid not. Were you two planning on having children?"

"Yes" Hobi responds, seeming unable to process the information that was just mentioned

The doctor takes off his glasses and looks at both of us curiously "When was the last time you two had sex?"

"Umm, I believe two weeks ago" I answered. "But...I was still taking birth control at the time. I stopped a week after that"

The doctor spent some times going over the possibilities of me becoming pregnant. He went over other options and gave us some useful information on maintaining pregnancy before and after the process. He again ran some tests on me to see if I have a chance of becoming pregnant. He even gave me some useful information on natural ways of boosting my fertility, but with the information and results all together, there was a 50 percent chance that I may or may not ever get pregnant. It was news that was hard for me to swallow but Hobi didn't seem the slightest bit angry or disappointed. Instead he asked the doctor of whether or not he was able to help me get pregnant. The doctors ran some tests on him as well but according to the results, he also had a 50 percent chance of ever getting me pregnant. Again Hobi didn't seem upset about it but rather hopeful.

The doctors had told me and Hobi that due to my state that I'd have to stay at the hospital for two days. The medicine that was given to me just moments ago, started to go into a drowsy state. Hobi insisted to stay with me but knowing how worried he could get, I told him to just go back to work and that I would be well taken of. He leans over, moving my hair out of my face and pecks me on the cheek, tells me he would call to check on me and leaves the room. The drowsiness had kicked in and I drifted off into deep sleep.


It was early morning when the nurses woke me up to give me a lightly balanced breakfast with some water. The IV was still attached to me and was replaced with a fresh one, probably about an hour ago. I was still feeling weak and dehydrated but much better than yesterday. The vomiting had stopped somewhat, thankfully but nearly drained all my energy. Eating didn't seem too much of a problem but I couldn't finish it all so I set it to the side to have for later. I replied to a few missed texts from Namjoon and the rest of the group, and some of my colleagues to let them know that I was doing okay. To help me entertain myself I turned on the TV and set it on a cooking channel and laid back comfortably on the bed. The doctor came in,with a welcoming smile, and stood at the foot of the bed.

"How are you feeling this morning Miss Y/N?"

"Much better than yesterday but I'm still feeling weak and dehydrated"

"That's good. The dehydration takes a while to subside so I want to make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids. I still have some questions regarding how you got food poisoned, if that's alright with you" He asks kindly.


"Before you got sick, do you remember what kinds of food you ate that tasted a bit off? Like any meats or vegetables, or seafood, perhaps?"

"Well I honestly don't remember" I scratched my head and thought for a while. "All I remember was it started a few weeks ago and it just got worse."

"Can you remember what you ate during those weeks that seemed off? Was there a particular meal that had a funny after taste or tasted expired?"

"I'm afraid I can't, doctor. Usually when I can't finish anything, I save it for later. None of the meals I eat ever goes bad because I always eat the left overs. And I haven't been eating out or buy anything from any convenient stores."

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