~Chapter Fifty One~

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It was New Years day and I couldn't wait to fulfill all that I desired for this year. It was refreshing to see another year past by despite what had happened earlier. My main focus now is to build a new life for myself, for my husband and for the family we're preparing later on. Every New Year for me is calling my parents and my older brother to wish them a happy new year and wishing for another great anniversary. Since I was so busy last year with all the craziness going on, I haven't had the time to talk to them. 

This afternoon was the perfect time to call them and I was desperate to here their voices in such a long time. I laid on the bed with my head resting on a pillow, with my phone in my ear and a mini blanket to cover me. I quickly click on my parents number and the phone starts to dial. It rang five times until I heard my mother's sweet angelic voice and I smile with content.

"Y/N! It's good to hear your voice! I've missed you!"

"Mom, it's so great to hear your voice! I've been so busy that I haven't had time to call you. How have you been, mom?"

"I've been fine. Your father is at work right now but he has been meaning  to call you. Your brother came to visit but he had to leave early because he had an important meeting to attend at work"

"That's good to hear mom. I've been wondering what my brat of a brother has been up to lately" I chuckle "Too bad dad is at work. I miss hearing his voice too. So I have some great news!"

"Great news? What is then, Y/N?" She asks sounding eager. 

"Hobi and I bought a house and we're moving in in a few months!" 

"That's absolutely wonderful! I was beginning to wonder when you two will finally have a house of your own."

I chuckle and roll to my side "I know. It's been almost five years and we're now about to start a new chapter in our life. We're really excited! Also we're planning to start as family once we get adjusted to our new home"

She laughs lightly "I'm very happy for the both of you. I can't wait to see more grandchildren come into the picture. I look forward to the future baby shower too! I'm sure my son in law is very excited about everything. That's all I look forward to"

"He is. He's been going on everyday non stop giving me a new list of baby names. Since he's so excited he should be the one to carry the baby for nine months instead of me. But I don't think he can endure childbirth. He'll just cry!" I laugh.

"Aww but I know he'll be there to give you all the support that you need when the time comes. Just like your father. He never left my side when I had you and your brother." She sighs and clears her throat "Listen sweetie, mom has to get ready to do some laundry. It's good to hear from you and I'll talk to you soon. Love you"

"Love you too mom and I'll talk to you soon" I click the hang up button and put my phone away. It was bittersweet hearing my mom but also having to end the call so soon. I was glad that she and my dad were doing alright. I was glad to hear my brother was doing well also. 

I got up from the bed and head downstairs to find a snack and to watch some TV. I took out a small Taiwanese apple cake from the cabinet and took out a spoon from the sliding drawer and head to the living room. It was another night being alone but I took as another opportunity to have some time to myself. I click on the TV and searched the channels and landed on a Korean cooking show. The chef was giving a demonstration of how to make kimchi and what kimchi can be used for in several dishes. I started at the TV, intrigued, as I swallow each spoonful of ice cream. 

The door to the front clicks open suddenly and I heard light footsteps enter in quick speed. I heard heavy jackets zip and coats being hung next to the entrance. I heard light giggles approaching but my eyes were still set to the TV. The person behind me comes to an abrupt stop.

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now