~Chapter Sixty Four~

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Warning: Strong sexual content, without consent, ahead!

Another two spring filled mornings arrived but the sky was gloomy and cloudy, just like how I was still feeling. My morning consisted of eggs, bacon and whole wheat pancakes with a cup of coffee to wash it down. I sat at the table eating alone. The silence had killed me but what killed me more was the lie I still had been holding in. Ever since Taehyung's strange performance, I've been feeling nothing but strange.

I went to work as usual. I went on about my day, organizing the next set up for Lavender Vanilla's music video we had to finish. But for some odd reason, Jisu hasn't been seen at all today. We haven't seen her at all for two days. No phone calls, no texts or anything. Usually she was the one to blow up my phone non stop but this time there was nothing. The girls tried to call her but still nothing. It just went straight to voice mail. Even the staff couldn't get a hold of her. Where could she be? She's pregnant for crying out loud.

I got an unexpected call from Taehyung and I was nervous to answer. But it was necessary to answer because I needed to know where his wife had went.


"Noona! Have you seen Jisu?! I've been trying to reach her but she's not answering her phone!" he says in a panic, not taking a single breath in between.

"No, I haven't and I've been trying to reach out to her too. If you do find her please let me know right away"

"Okay I will! I will" He quickly hangs up.

We had to postpone the music video taping until Jisu finally shows up, for now. I had the girls work on their choreo while I went to Hyungsik's office to ask if he knew of Jisu's whereabouts. He was sitting in his chair, sipping on some coffee when I walked in.

"Hey Hyungsik. Sorry to bother you but...have you heard from Jisu today? We've been trying to reach to her but she's not returning any of our calls or texts"

His face looks sunken in, he looked like he just came from a night out drinking. "No, I haven't"

"Really?...If you hear from her please let me know."

Before I could step out the office Hyungik, without any form of hesitation says "He's still in love with you"

It hit me like bolt of lightening at his sudden statement. I turn around "W-what?" I ask, bewildered.

"I said Taehyung is still in love with you" He says again, turning himself in his chair in my direction.

"W-what are you talking about? That's not true. He's married to Ji-"

"I saw how he looked at you last night. Just like how he looked at you at the wedding." He says, sounding rough and tired. "That journal of his was not just about Jisu...it was about you too. I know about the affair that you two had. He wrote about it. He wrote everything. Not missing a single detail. Y/N...he's completely losing his mind because of you"

I was staggered, unable to process anything. "It can't be...his wife is carrying his child. He can't be in love with me...no it's..it's not possible!" I shake my head.

"Taheyung is losing his mind, no matter if he's married to her or not. Even when I confronted him at the wedding he was still in denial, just like you. You may not love him but he's madly in love with you. I'm not saying this to hurt you. But as his best friend, I refuse to let him do something stupid to hurt both you and him. I could care less about Jisu, other than the well being of her unborn child. And I know that you're not pregnant and hate that she did the most shittiest thing a monster like her can do, but you better tell your husband the truth before she does anymore damage to you!"

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now