~Chapter Seventy~

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I spent the past three days and nights with the boys as I still recovered. It's been a healing and rewarding experience for me being around them. I missed their silliness, their petty arguments with each other and cooking alongside with them. The boys still haven't changed despite their heavy and hectic schedules. They never seemed to lose their glow, or their charisma despite what's currently going on with Hobi being away and Taehyung going insane. I missed Hobi dearly. I haven't heard from him since the incident with me and Taehyung.  I missed his touch, his warmth, his smile, his energy. It felt like a piece of a puzzle was missing but I was still terrified of how he'll react once I finally call him to tell him the truth. 

Work on the other hand has been inconsistent and almost out of control. Lavender Vanilla haven't been able to finish their music video, missed interviews and lost a huge chunk of fans and money since Jisu's sudden disappearance. Hyungsik so far has been reaching out to me for the past couple of days to check on me. He's not too happy with Taehyung, but still has no idea of where Taehyung or Jisu is. 

After spending time with the members at Big Hit and having lunch with Soonmin, I felt better and was ready to go back home and ready to tell Hobi about everything. Soonmin along with Namjoon, drove me home and arrived home a little after 3:30pm. They walked me to the doorstep and gave me hugs before Namjoon spoke.

"Y/N just want to let you know that everything is going to be fine. You are braver than you think. He'll understand you." He gives me one more hug before they both go back to the car and drive away. 

I unlock the door and walk in. It felt so strange to be back in my own home after not being here for a week. Everything in the house was still the same, smelled the same. I walked upstairs to the bedroom and sat on the bed with the phone in my hands. Several seconds passed by and was about to press Hobi's number until the door bell rang. 

I rushed downstairs, expecting Namjoon and Soonmin to be at the door again until I opened it. It was Taehyung, standing underneath the bright sunlight.

"Oh...it's you" 

"Y/N....there's something I need to tell you. It's important."

My mind wondered, whether to let him in again or not. I stepped aside and let him in. Again we stood in the same area where the incident had happened, but I refused to let that memory hurt me again.

"What's so important for you to talk to me about? It better be about the baby" I said in a serious manner. 

He leans against the wall, biting his lower lip nervously as he looks down. He then looks up and in one deep breath says "I'm not the father of Jisu's baby"

I swallowed thickly "W-what?"

"Jisu...cheated on me. I don't know for how long but....when she found the journal, that's when she told me."

"So that's why you're here? To tell me that you're not the father to your wife's baby?" I huffed and cross my arms "What does that have to do with this baby I'm carrying? Which is in fact yours?"

"No that's not the only reason I'm here. I'm here because I wanted to apologize...But I also wanted to tell you that my love for you will never change"

"I accept your apology but you can't love me because I'm still in love with my husband"

"H-how? I'm the one who fathered your baby. I'm the one that should be part of your life! I still love you!"

"Doesn't matter if you still love me or fathered my baby, I still love my husband and he still loves me! So stop!"

"Stop? You think it's so easy for me to stop loving you? Who was the one who got you that job at JYJ, huh?"

I suddenly choked "W-what?"

He chuckles, trying to hold back the pain "Yes! I'm the one who got you that job! I'm the one that told Hyungsik to hire you! I'm the one that was able to get you pregnant and not him! So don't you dare tell me to stop loving you because the truth is...I can't!"

I was at a loss of words and then there's a knock on my door. 

I went to the door to answer it. I opened the door to see the very woman I didn't ever want to see. 

"Hello Y/N" Jisu says arrogantly, looking and picking at her nails as she loudly chews and pop her piece of gum. 

"What the hell are you doing here? In fact where and why did you disappear?"

She lets herself in without my permission and puts her purse on the small marbled table, almost knocking down my plant. "I've been busy...taking care of somethings" Her eyes narrow to Taehyung and a sneaky chuckle escapes her lips. "I see you two are hiding something."

I roughly yank her purse of the table and shove it to her chest. "If you're here to start something and not talk about work then you and your husband need to leave!" I said pointing to her at the door.

She's taken back by my assertiveness but chuckles "Wow Y/N. Where did that backbone come from?"

I point to the door once more "Please, both of you get out."

"I'm just only stopping by because I was looking for Taehyung." She takes out a piece of paper with writings on them "I needed him to sign the divorce papers."

"Now that you found him you both can do that outside of my house. Now leave!"

"But I have something to tell you Y/N" She says in a fake innocent pout, fake a her personality.

I head for the door and open it "I don't have time for foolishness. My house is not a courthouse or a playground so I'll ask again for the last time, leave"

Taehyung makes his way for the door, expecting Jisu to follow behind him but she just stands these with an evil grin on her face. "You don't want to know don't you?"


"Jisu...just leave her alone. Lets handle our business elsewhere" Taehyung says.

Jisu folds her arms, a sly look on her face "No.I want to tell her"

"Jisu please lets just go an-"

Taehyung gets cut off again "Y/N your husband doesn't know that you're pregnant right? Well he called the other day and sai-"

"Jisu stop!" Taehyung yells.

She chuckles again "Let me not make a joke out of this....You don't your husband knows about you not being pregnant right? Well turns out he knows. The whole truth!"

"How the hell does he know!?" I yell back

"Because I told him. Told him that he wasn't the father. That it was Taehyung's baby."

"You-you little bitch" I mumbled. 

"It's not the first time I've been called that. I mean after all you cheated" She huffs

"But you're not pregnant with Teahyung's baby. So who are you calling a bitch and a cheater?!"

She chuckle again and rolls her eyes "I already knew he was still in love with you. Why do you think I left him? In fact I didn't leave him because of that. I left him because I was finished getting what I wanted from him and that was money and fame. The baby I'm carrying is the man I left Taehyung for. So yes I'm a cheating bitch" She says proudly.

She got back with Taehyung because she wanted to use him for fame and money and not because she still loved him?...

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now