~Chapter Forty Three~

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The uncomfortable silence had filled the car as we were on our way home. I can feel Hobi's anger and disappointment radiate in the car that I was just so nervous to look at him. He hasn't spoken since. He barely moved from his position. His feet on the pedal, his chin rested on the palm of his hand while the other on the steering wheel as he looked at the road. Just by his side profile I can see his nothing but a gloomy and angry expression on his face. I just stared at my hands, biting my lip nervously thinking of what will happen once we got home. But I also knew that Namjoon would not be so happy to hear what happened.

We got home, parked the car and head inside the house. The members were in the living room on their phones while laying on the couch except for Yoongi, who was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the room. My first instinct was to go to Namjoon but as soon as I stepped in, Hobi takes my elbow and pulls me out. 

"Unh unh, we still have to talk" He says in an almost bone chilling tone.

All eyes in the room shot up once they heard Hobi's voice. Jungkook and Jin immediately got up from the couch, their eyes filled with worry. "Where's Taehyung? I though he was with you guys" Jungkook asks. 

I swallowed thickly and look at Hobi, giving him a "Can I tell them what happened?" expression. He doesn't say anything, which didn't help the situation at all.

I decided to answer anyway "Taehyung...ran off somewhere"

Namjoon gets up from the couch, his eyebrows furrowed with confusion "What do you mean he ran off? What happened?"

I struggle to respond but Hobi was quick with a reply "Remember that girl that Taehyung was so in love with years ago?"

"Yeah. What about her?" Namjoon says

"She's back. And Y/N has something to do with it. Which is why my wife and I need to have a private talk" With his hand still holding my elbow he leads me out of the living room and march up the stairs to our bedroom. 

Hobi slams the door shut with a loud boom. He roughly takes off his coat and roughly hangs it on the coat rack. Meanwhile I took off mine and lazily threw it on the bed and kicked off my shoes. Hobi quickly turns around and crosses his arms. His face his beaming and his ears were a crimson red. 

"Now tell me what the hell is going on. I thought I told you not to interfere! What the fuck were you thinking, Y/N!?"

His loud and angry voice startles me to the point where I was to afraid to look him in the eyes. "Look, it was not my intention, Hobi! How was I suppose to know that I would suddenly bump into her?"

He scoffs and rolls his eyes "Not your intention? Did you not hear her shout out your name!? Did you not hear her say "You finally got him to come here?" Y/N!? Cause to me it sure did sound like you had planned this!"

"Of course I heard her say that! I didn't expect to see her!"

"Then explain to me how the hell did you two become close!?"

I sigh deeply, digging and pulling my hair out of frustration "She...Jisu had been coming to me lately because she was feeling out of place. She said that she had a hard time fitting in with the company because they heard about her reputation with Taehyung. I felt bad so I offered to have a little lunch with her. We both talked and I finally got her side of the story. Truth be told that she had left him because her parents didn't like Taehyung and his ambitions to being an idol and wanted her to focus on getting her into a prestigious medical school. They even set her up with a man, who was twice her age, just because he worked in Korea's most famous hospitals." I was pacing back and forth for a while and decided to sit at the edge of the bed. My feet danged just inches away from the carpeted floor "She got engaged to the man but broke it off once she realized that she made a huge mistake and left. She always wanted to dance and never got to show or tell Taehyung about it. So she trained really hard and ended up at JYJ....She seemed sincere and sorry for what she did to him and I made somewhat of a promise to help her get back to him...That's what happened, Hobi"

Hobi's stiffened body starts to soften but still his expression didn't change. We walks over and stops in front of me "This is what you kept from me then? Is that what caused all those nightmares from last night?" His voice now at a medium volume.

Jisu didn't have anything to do with my nightmares but I couldn't tell him what they were really were, so I had to lie "Yes. It was bothering me ever since. But when I talked to Hyungsik about her he told me not to even talk to her because he thought she was up to no good. But Hyungsik did tell me that people can change for the better"

"Then that's what you should've done. Not talk to her. Even if she has changed she can always go back to being the way she was. You should've left her alone. Let her get a taste of her own medicine. Let her feel the hurt the same way Taehyung felt. She doesn't need to cause anymore harm to him."

"Hobi sometimes I can't help that I want to help people. Hyungsik married Taehyung's high school bully and look what happened. She changed for the better. He said so himself. Did you not see how he in love he was when he looked at the text his wife sent to him?"

Hobi sighs and sits down next to me "This isn't about Hyungsik or about his wife. They have nothing to do with this! Jagi, you can't always help people no matter how bad you feel. Some people just need to learn a lesson all on their own. Yes it was surprise that she suddenly appeared and now wants to get Taehyung back but she can't just come in and use her sob story and expect for you to help her"

My eyes begin to swell up but I refused to shed a single tear. "Why the hell did it all of a sudden become my fault!? All I did was help a human being out and look where it got me. Taehyung ran off to who knows where and you being angry as hell because because of this situation" I look at the ceiling to keep the tears from falling down my face and mentally praying for this awful feeling to go away.  I got up from the bed and went into the walk in closet, threw on a pair of pajamas and was on my way to the door. "I'm gonna go sleep downstairs. I don't feel so well. I think I need to be left alone"

Hobi gets up from the bed in an attempt to to prevent me from leaving the room "Jagi please don't!" He begs "I'm sorry! I went way out of hand" 

I was already out the door before he could catch up to me and I close it. I went down the flight of stairs, past through the kitchen and down the basement. I turn on the mini lamp to my hidden sanctuary, grab a warm soft pink blanket and lay my body flat on the cozy couch. The tears I had been holding in had finally fell out of my eyes.

 I wrap the blanket tightly around my weak body, letting the salty tears stain the blanket and fell asleep...

The Regret:The Sequel: Lies, Lust and BetrayalWhere stories live. Discover now