~Chapter Thirty Eight~

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(Y/N's Present POV)

I sat at the dining table eating a bowl of cereal while scrolling through my phone to find something to keep me from going completely bored. It was my day off and the members were at work so I was alone in this empty quite house.

"Hmm I'm so bored" I said to myself and brought another spoonful of cereal into my mouth.

It had been almost two hours since I heard from Hobi but knowing his heavy schedule I won't be hearing from him from time to time. My thoughts went straight to the memory of meeting Jisu. I haven't stopped thinking about her and her past connection with Taehyung since then. I don't know why it still bothered me but the mere thought of her trying to get back to Taehyung made me fear that they'll both end up hurting each other again. I barely got to know her but telling how sincere she was when I spoke to her, she mean't every word.

I had finished my cereal and took my empty bowl into the kitchen to wash it. After I finished cleaning it and putting it away there was an incoming phone call from my phone on the kitchen counter. I walk over to answer it.


"Ahh Y/N I'm glad you picked up"

"Hyungsik?" I asked, surprised to even get a call from work on my day off .

"Don't worry. I'm not calling for you to come in today. I'm actually off today as well" He chuckles "I wanted to talk to you about Jisu. Do you have time now?"

"Umm yeah sure." I said walking towards the living room

"Good." He says with relief "Cause ever since that bitch walked in she's been giving me bad vibes"

I smirk at the remark and plop myself on the couch "I don't think calling her that will make you feel any better. Besides I don't know her well enough to call her that"

"You have a point but I know her. You'd think after all these years, since then, I would forget what she did to my best friend? Pff no." He snickers

I crossed my legs and turned on the tv and rest my chin on the palm of my hand "Well people can change right? You said so yourself. You married the high school bully who is now you're wife."

He lets out a deep sigh "I know I did but Jisu is not no ordinary woman. Or should I even call her a woman. She may be beautiful on the outside but on the inside she's ugly. She can use her beautiful and innocent appearance to manipulate anyone. I doubt she has changed. Which is why I need to tell you this and please listen well."

"I don't think interfering with anyone's personal grudges is right for me. I'm a friendly person but my friendless have gotten me into something I wish never happened. I've been through that and I don't want to be reminded of it. As much as I wish I didn't bump into her, it happened unfortunately."

"I understand Y/N' He reassures "But please this is something very important"

I turned the TV off and pressed my ears to the phone to give him my undivided attention "I'm listening."

"Whatever you do don't become friends with her."


"Please" He urges "Just hear me out. The reason why I'm telling you this is because I have a feeling she might try to sabotage Taehyung's reputation. Not just his but BTS and maybe even this company. Who knows what she'll plan to do if she ever gets back together with Taehyung. But please just. I'm not asking you because I'm your boss but I'm asking you as a human being....Please"

I sigh deeply and scratch my head. If it's what it takes to protect Taehyung, BTS and the company, then I had no choice but to comply "I understand, Hyungsik. I'll do what it takes to protect not only myself but for everyone."

"Thank you" He says, sounding satisfied and relieved "I'm sorry to be calling you to tell you about this but can't risk putting my job and the company in jeopardy. If she doesn't do well and can't debut then we won't have to worry about any of these scenarios from happening. Thanks for listening, Y/N. I'll see you at work on Thursday. Enjoy your day off"

"It's no problem, Hyungsik. See you then. You enjoy yours as well" And ended the call.

I stretch my body out on the couch and yawn and curl myself into a ball on the couch. I was again met with silence and I still didn't know what to do other than think about the conversation I had moments ago. It made me wonder if he was taking things way to seriously or was I was over thinking it. I just got back to Korea and I'm already caught in a small mess. I just hoped it doesn't escalate.

I felt my phone buzz and quickly check if it was an incoming text or phone call. It was a number I didn't recognize. It was probably another scam caller so I slide it to the "Decline Call" and tossed my phone on the couch and turned on the TV. My phone beeps with a notification and unlock it to read the unread text.

"Hi Y/N. This is..Jisu. I got one the business cards on your desk and saw your name and number was on it and got your number. I tried calling you but...can I talk to you, please?"

Just when I thought my day off wouldn't get any weirder I get a text from Jisu. The woman I was told to avoid becoming friends with. What was I supposed to do? Why was this happening to me now? But I already made a promise to have a get together and talk. Now I'm stuck. I debated with myself for a while and decided to text her a response.

"Hi Jisu. What a surprise. What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Is it alright if we meet up this afternoon so we can talk? Are you free today?"

I was bored being in the house all day and the boys were at work. So I figured why not enjoy being outside of the house and have some company. But then again I'm conflicted.

"Well I am a little busy today so I'm afraid I can't" I lied.

"Oh...I'm sorry to bother...but when you get the chance let me know when you're free. Thanks"

My day off so far has gotten me conflicted and frustrated rather than relaxing and stress free. I felt dissatisfied for lying but I have to keep Hyungsik's word.

Did I do something right?...

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