Dino/mirage x female reader (bayverse) lemon

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Y/N's pov

It' been awhile since my near death experience and let's just say Dino is one protective- you know what scrap that! The guy follows me everywhere now I'm serious he waits outside the bathroom and my room every time!                                

Timeskip because author is tired and hungry

No ones pov                                                  

You were wondering around the base not really paying attention when suddenly a large metallic hand scooped you up and held you to a warm and calming chest-plate.

A smooth Italian voice purrs down at you "sweet spark where you going" causing shivers to run down your spine as he continues to purr down at you as he slowly rubs your back hitting the right spots "oh Dino" you moaned he growled and walked to his room locking the door and activating his mass displacement.                 

He slowly crawled on top of you talking his sweet time to and takes of your top then your pants he purrs seeing you wear (your favorite underwear line and bra) and teases you by dragging a sharp servo down your stomach making you shiver.

Dino slowly moved to your neck and started to lick and suck until he found the spot. "Mirage" you moan as he found your sweet spot only to yelp as he growled and bit hard on that spot you whimper as he leave teasing licks on that spot marking you as his and his alone.

You could feel your core heat up as he continued to suck on your neck and slowly make his way down your breast's you gasped as he growled and ripped of your bra and began to suck and bite your breast's.

You could feel his spike poking your core and you whimpered with want he got the message and ripped your panties off "you ready" he asked and you nodded and said "please be gentle I'm a virgin" (sorry its just to make things more interesting) he nodded as he slowly slid in.

You both moaned and you could feel him stretch you and hit every pleasurable nerve and you where left panting as he slowly started to move his frame.

Dino/Mirages pov

Primus this femme was so tight and she was sealed it makes it easier to mark her as mine and mine alone. Her cute little moans and pants were making me increase my speed I know I wouldn't hold it in for much longer.

Y/N'S pov

I could feel a knot start to build up in my stomach Mirage continued to bite and lick my neck no doubt about it their would be marks in the morning I screamed as I climaxed and I my walls clenched around his spike.

In my haze I heard Mirage release a body shivering roar as he slammed into me one more time and I gasped as hot fluids are released into my womb.

I sigh as he pulls out causing us both to groan he chuckles as my reaction and transforms back to his original form and places me on his chest. I snuggle into him as he places a blanket around me I smile tiredly and kiss his metal lips "I love you Mirage" he smiled and whispers "love you to sweetspark" and I slowly fall asleep. Listening to nothing but the calm beats of his spark.

The end

(So what do you guys think! not bad for my first lemon anyway see ya my star cubs!)(Optimus on the ground with me on top of him "can you let me up please" me:"no! you ruined our time together with a mission!" bye!)

Edited on the 15/10/21

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