TFP SmokeScreen x Abandoned reader

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Ok so in this one-shot you are a failed experiment cyberwolf from a crazy autobot and one lucky rookie finds you. So without further a due enjoy!

No-one's pov.

Smokescreen walked into the cave as the rain and wind was to powerful to drive in plus his comma were down. Walking further into the cave he could hear soft whimpering and was confused, turning to the sound he gasped at what he saw.

There layed a very large winged f/c framed and sf/c wolf "a cyberwolf??". Smokescreen whispered as his blue optics widen with shock as he approached the wounded wolf.

You snapped your dimmed e/c optics open and you snarled at the strange mech in front of you. Standing on weak legs you caught sight of the Autobot symbol on his chest and you growled out a "s stay a away Autobot! Your kind tortured me!". Smokescreen looked at you with pity as he said " it's ok I'm not going to hurt you I just want to help you!".

He kneeled down and his optics shined with determination as he spoke.

"So please let me help!"............

( well that's another one-shot done my star-Cubs! I hope you all enjoyed it by for now!)

Edited on the 21/10/21

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