TFP SmokeScreen x Abandoned reader

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After being abandoned by your family a certain rookie finds you and gives you the life you deserve with the Autobots. So without further a due enjoy~

Smokescreens pov

I sighed driving down the desert after Arcee yelled at me "not my fault the cons got the energon before us!" Then Bulkhead tried to defuse the argument saying "I'm a rookie I'm still learning"

I growled quietly "I'm not a rookie!" I didn't know I was driving faster at this point "I'm an elite warrior made one by Alpha Trion himself why can't they see that!" Going even faster I yelled "I'M NOT SOME KID THEY CAN PICK-OH SCRAP!" I swerved after nearly hitting a figure.

Stopping I turned around and saw a girl around 17 to 18 with long but messy h/c hair and fear filled widened e/c eyes panting as she stared at me.

No-ones pov

You screamed as the sports car swerved right before hitting you and panted staring at it with wide eyes as it turned around and didn't move.

The car transformed into a large white, red and blue robot it stared at you with a sheepish smile and waved "hehe hi there human"

You passed out....


You giggled as SmokeScreen sped into the base doing four donuts giggling you wobble out of his alt-mode as he transformed.

"You should of seen her face Smokey!" You laugh as he picked you up after telling him of your last he became a close friend to you and the Autobots became your family.

He chuckled "yeah no doubt she'll ground us y/n!" You giggled only to freeze as Arcee can speeding in and transformed with a look of anger as Optimus walked in You saluted him as SmokeScreen transformed and let you in "STEP ON IT SMOKEY!"

Arcee went to chase after you two until Optimus chuckled gently and stopped her.

"Let them go Arcee they are just children caught in a war".......

Edited on the 02/09/22

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