Megatron x Optimus x carrier reader

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After landing on Earth you set out to find your sparklings but the sound of a nearby battle draws your attention and what you see shocks you. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

You groaned while standing up and held your helm in one servo and turned to look at your surroundings and vented before stretching. Looking at the rising sun you smiled as you remembered Cybertron's sunsets.

Hearing gun fire you jumped and turn seeing plasma blast fire out of a cannon and the sound of blades clashed you frowned before walking towards it and what you saw shocked you.

"Orion? Megatronus?!"

With them

Optimus growled lowly slamming his fist into Megatrons face-plate and said mech snarled standing back before firing at Optimus. He jumped up and kicked the Prime to the ground.

The prime groaned and held his side before hearing Megatron's roar of rage and saw his blade about the hit him. Closing his optics he waiting for the hit but it never came.


Optimus snapped his optics open and gasped seeing you with your battle mask on and your servo turned into a blade blocking Megatrons blade. Growling you pushed him back and stood in front of your son.

Staring at your other one your battle mask slid back revealing your frown and grabbed his helm along with Optimus's and growled lowly at them as they yelled out "C CARRIER?!" Being a little bit shorter then both mechs you bring them to your level and glare at them.

"WHAT IN THE NAME PRIMUS ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" You yelled and they flinched letting them go you vented and looked at Megatronus and placed your servo on his face-plate "Megatronus what happened to your optics?" He turned away and you looked at Optimus "Orion you look different"

They turned there helms away and filled you in on what happened it shocked you a little knowing what they did and went through before clearing your intake and looked at them.

"End the war" you said and they went to speak before you said "end.the.war!" They nodded with a quite "yes carrier" smiling faintly you hugged them before gently kissing there helms.

"Come on you too it's time to stop this"......

Edited on the 03/09/22

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