Mirage/Dino x female human reader

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Ok so in this one Dino is your guardian and one night during some alone time after a long day you confess your feeling to him. But what you don't know is he feels the same and things get sexual~ so without a due enjoy~

No-ones pov

You giggled as Dino raced into the base and let you out stumbling a little you panted "wow Dino we won the race!" He chuckled and transformed just as SideSwipe and SunStreaker came into base and transformed.

"Not far Dino you cheated!" Dino grinned as you giggled "I had a passenger to care for SideSwipe you did not so to be fair you should of won!" Grinning yourself you flipped your long h/c hair back "besides when we said eat our dust we meant it Sides"

He pouted and walked away as did SunStreaker after he calmed his laughter with a "oh come on Sides you should know y/n would win!"

Looking at Dino or Mirage as you call him in private you held your fist up "good job partner!" He used on of his fingers and fist bumped you "I'm the speed your the brains" you nodded. Looking around you saw Galloway marching up to you with a red anger filled face.

Paling You whistled catching Mirage's attention you pointed at Galloway "code red Gallow-douche is on the March and he's not happy!"

Transforming you jumped into his alt-mode and patted the dashboard "step on it Mirage!" He did leaving Galloway in a cloud full of smoke and dust.


You sighed leaning against Mirage's holo-form and took a deep a breath looking up e/c meeting blue "Mirage?" He hummed looking at you fully and you pressed your lips against his kissing him passionately.

Pulling away you panted "I love you" He chuckled and pinned you to the ground causing you to yelp "and I love you la Mia scintilla~" And with that he attacked your neck in rough and tickling love bites.

You moaned and gripped his silky red hair and gasped as he bit down hard on your weak spot and felt him licking up the blood "Your mine~" he growled and oh nodded unable to speak.

He pulled down you f/c jeans revealing your red laces panties and he purred at the sight ripping your top off he played with your breasts and you moaned in pleasure "Mirage!~"

He grinned and removed his own jeans then his boxers You gulped staring at his large length then stared into his lust filled optics "please be gentle" he nodded and slammed into you gently yelping at the pain you held him.

He waited a minute and started to move at seeing you nod and he thrusted into you hard and fast.

Soon you were writhing under him "Mirage! Faster, harder!" He grunted and did as commanded and some with a yell of "MIRAGE!" You came. Feeling you tighten around him he slammed into you one more time with a roar of "Y/N!"

Panting he pulled out and pulled you to his chest as your e/c eyes started to close and he purred.

"Buonanotte amore mio~".....

( La Mia scintilla means my spark and Buonanotte amore mio means goodnight my love.)

Edited on the 02/09/22

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