Bayverse SoundWave x autobot femme reader

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During the battle you save your comrade and encounter SoundWave and let's just say you prove to him femmes a just as tuff as mechs. So without further a due enjoy! Also thank you to the person who requested this!

No-ones pov

Just as BumbleBee was about to be shot at you let out a battle cry and tackled SoundWave to the ground and punched him in the face-plates as he grunted. 

Standing up your door wings flared out and you hissed at the mech turning you looked at BumbleBee and said "Bee go I've got this!"

He nodded and went to help the others as SoundWave stood up and growled at you "y/n" You snarled back smirking "that's my name don't wear it out Soundy~"

Growling he charged at you and you grinned battle mask slipping on and dodged while kicking him on the side he grunted holding his side and growled at you. Giggling you let your shoulder cannons activate and smirked behind your mask at him teasingly growling out a "dance monkey" and fired.

He moved out of the blasters way and tackled you to the ground grunting you looked up and panted seeing him look down at you while pinning your arms.

Sliding back your battle mask you grinned up at him "ohhh SoundWave didn't take you for the skip date frag now kind of mech~" you purred freezing him in place and you took his distraction and kicked him off you.

He fell to the ground and you pinned him down purring while taking his mask off and giggled seeing his blue blushing face-plates. "Let go off me autobot pest!" Grinning down at him you purred deeply in his ear making him shiver.

"Sorry big boy but the I'm the top here~"

Edited on the 03/09/22

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