Bayverse SideSwipe x reader x Dino part two

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Ok guys this is a part two request and basically after the first part. Dino and SideSwipe argue on who was better and who the reader loves the most and she gets upset and leaves. Later on they apologies and then she tells them she loves them both and it ends in another lemon!     

No-ones pov        

You sighed as you heard Dino and SideSwipe arguing and shouting at each other as tears streamed down your face. You held your stomach as you whispered softly "I'm sorry little one your daddy's are a little hotheaded at times".

All you can hear is "She loves me!" And "No she loves me scrap head!" you sighed again and the way this is going you were scared to tell them they were going to be sire's.

You heard a voice be cleared and turned seeing IronHide standing there with an annoyed face as he said "again?" you nodded and clutched your stomach tighter IronHide chuckled and said "hug them any tighter they'll be out here before there ready!".

You giggled and said "Ratchet said I'm due my first scan tomorrow" IronHide chuckled again as he walked down the hall as you walked back to her room.

IronHide saw the two mechs and yelled "YA HAPPY NOW SHE'S IN TEARS!" they stopped fighting and ran down the hall to your room as they quickly turned on there holo-forms.


You giggled as your two mech's whimpered and snuggled you saying "sorry!" over and over, but SideSwipe was feeling more in the mode shall we say as he bit and licked your neck as you gasped and whimpered.

Dino started to undress you as you gasped and covered herself saying "w wait!" they stopped as you blushed and said "I'm p pregnant a and your b both th the sire's!" both mechs smiled brightly and said together "well then we'll be extra careful"  you nodded as you were now completely naked.

They grinned as SideSwipe moved underneath you and Dino stayed on top as there clothes fizzled away and they slowly slid into you as all three of them moaned in pleasure. Both mechs waited for you to adjust and a few minutes later you nodded to both of them and they both started to move.

You moaned loudly as you heard your mechs snarl and growl in pleasure saying things in there language.

Soon they sped up there pace going faster and harder as you screamed as your knot came undone and they could feel you tighten around them they thrusted one more time and roared as there liquids filled you as you came again.

Another time-skip

Y/n's pov

I giggled as Ratchet said "your having four terror sparkling's!" and started to sway and said "oh Primus!" I burst out laughing as he collapsed onto the ground and glitched. Dino and SideSwipe shattered the med-bay doors and said "how many!" I just giggled.

And pointed at the screen showing four healthy dots and heart beats, they grinned them glitched out onto the floor. I sighed and patted my tummy saying "lets hope you four turn out like mummy instead".

The end.

(So what do you think and hope ya enjoyed it by for now my star-cubs!)

Edited on the 15/10/21

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