TFP Arcee x Predacon reader

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No-one's pov

Arcee grunted as the Vehicon dragged her frame threw the halls before throwing her into a room that looked very secure before the door was close and she heard the cons chuckling t her as the door closed.

Vehicon: have fun with the beasts autobot-scum!

She gritted her denta in anger and pounded against the door before a loud and dangerous growl rumbled through the room and she froze as loud foot-steps made he ground tremble. Feeling a breath on her back-plates she stood still as whatever was behind her sniffed her frame.

???: why are you here autobot?

A deep rumbling voice spoke out and she very slowly turned and gasped at what she saw.

A deep rumbling voice spoke out and she very slowly turned and gasped at what she saw

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No-one's pov

You growled staring into the femmes blue optics as your own e/c optics narrowed into slits as the light reflected off your f/c frame. Standing up your spread your wings out wide and snarled as she raised her blaster at you.

Roaring you lunged for her and slammed her into the wall and transformed.

You slammed her against the wall again and growled lowly before getting close to her face and bared your razer sharp fangs at her

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You slammed her against the wall again and growled lowly before getting close to her face and bared your razer sharp fangs at her.

Y/N: don't push me murderer

Arcee: "struggling" it it w wasn't our f fault "gasps" it w was Megatron's!

You let her go and she dropped to the floor, stepping back you transformed your servo into a blaster and pointed it at her before growling lowly.

Y/N: speak now

She vented before standing up on shaky peds and looking up and staring you in the eye trying to hide her fear.

Arcee: We detected an energon signal, our reserves were depleted "pants" we had no idea your brethren were their as I wasn't there personally I heard from the others there was bombs every were "pants again" the base was rigged to blow

Y/N: "snarls"  what?!

Arcee: we were just looking for energon "looks you in the eye" Megatron is the reason behind the slaughter of your kind

She closed her optics hearing your blaster firing up, before you transformed it back into your servo and kneeled down on one knee, using one talon you lifted her chin up and she snapped her optics open wide seeing your rage filled face.

Y/N: you speak the truth "hears an enraged roar" seems my brother has discovered it as well

Lifting her chin up more your e/c optics burned with fury.

Y/N: how about a deal femme "leans in close" I help you escape alive and you "snarls"

"Lead me to that traitorous deception".......

Well that's the last chapter of this book, thank you all for so far 165k reads and 2.8k reads I am happy with all the love and support this book has gotten its been one heck of a journey!

Edited on the 03/09/22

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