TFP KnockOut x BumbleBee

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After a race gone wrong BumbleBee is left wounded near a cliff side until a certain cherry red doctor gives a helping servo.

Bumblebee's pov

I groaned holding my bleeding side "stupid rage filled human!" Growling slowly sat up snapping my helm into the direction of an engine and then the sound of transforming bringing out my blasters I pointed it at the cherry red mech as his red optics stared into mine and I growled "not another step con!"

He raised his servos "I'm not here to fight autobot I saw you crash so I waited until the humans left to help" I raised an optic ridge as he walked closer to me and I groaned again as my side flared in pain.

No-one's pov

KnockOut chuckled and kneeled beside BumbleBee scanning his wounded form "primus the human got you good I can fix your wound but your paint job is up to you" BumbleBee rolled his optics as KnockOut repaired his side.

A silence over-took the both until BumbleBee asked "why are you helping me?" KnockOut chuckled bitterly "after spider glitch snuffed BreakDown I've had no-one to talk to and believe me my job is sometimes very boring!" Bee frowned behind his face-mask "I heard about BreakDown I'm sorry but hey at least the glitch got what's coming to her!" KnockOut chuckled as he stepped away.

"There you go all patched up!" Standing up Bee stretched and hugged Knockout "thanks for the help I guess not all cons a bad!" and with that he transformed and drove off as Knockout blushed and mumbled.

"I guess were not autobot"

(Another one-shot done thank you for requesting it and hope you enjoyed it see ya in the next one-shot my star-cubs!)

Edited on the 7/08/22

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