TFP PredaKing x Megatrons daughter reader

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After PredaKing was brought through the ground-bridge your father Megatron knowing you were a master in beast taming made you head keeper of said beast.

No-ones pov

You watched with wide e/c optics as the Predacon walked onto the platform and spread its wings with a mighty roar. Your sire Megatron stood from his throne and walked towards the beast as you did the same.

"ShockWave it does my spark good to see you once again tempering with creation" your sire said with a grin you laughed softly as you smiled at ShockWave as your fangs were shown "it is great to see your online uncle" said mech nodded in your direction.

"And it is an honor to see you as well princess y/n" you walked towards the Predacon and it growled at you placing your servo out it sniffed it "I'm not going to hurt you" you spoke softly.

Walking around the Predacon you started to mumble "large male, dragon species of Predacon and large wingspan along with long and powerful tail"

You studied it's mouth "mandibles sharp along with denta claws sharp and horn size good" You giggled as the Predacon nuzzled your chest-plate purring softly. You pet his helm and hummed "you need a name before your hunt so let see"

Staring into his eyes you saw so much life and wonder smiling gently you walked backed a little and turned to your sire.

"Sire I give you your new warrior PredaKing"..........

Edited on the 02/09/22

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