KnockOut x Predawolf reader part 2

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Hello so in this one-shot you the reader have save KnockOut and took him to your cave! Over time you both fell in love and became spark-mates. Now with a sparked mate you have a lot to do to protect him and the pups. So without further a due enjoy!

KnockOuts pov

It's been a while since y/n saved my life and with the war over I can finally relax knowing I won't have to deal with anybody off-lining on me again.

Speaking of y/n he has been so sweet and protective of me he even fought Predaking! We have been spark-mates for a while now and well I'm sparked. I'm really excited and y/n is too.

No-one pov

Sighing you walked into the cave on Cybertron and transformed into your bot form and growled softly. Hunting for energon was hard and having your mate sparked demands more energon for the pups.

Walking into the berth-room you called out "sweetspark you there?" Hearing a purr you chuckled and found Knockout laying down looking at you with a smile.

Laying down with your mate your e/c optics brighten as he snuggles your f/c and s/c frame purring at the warmth it's gives off. Kissing his helm you softly nuzzle his helm while wrapping your tail around him and whisper.

"Any day now my love any day now"......

Edited on the 3/08/22

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