Bayverse Optimus x male Autobot reader

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After a battle went wrong and you end up hurt after that Optimus never lets you do anything anymore and it's starts to annoy to so without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

"I'm not a sparkling Optimus!" You exclaimed as said bot blocked your path causing you to growl at him and push at his shoulder but he didn't move. He glared down at you and said "I refuse to let you go and hurt yourself again!"

Groaning you held your helm "primus Optimus I'm fine see!" You gestured to your freshly weld wound. He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest "Megatron is not here Prime neither is that blasted cyclops! So I'll ask again" you got in his face and growled lowly "move"

He looked at you and growled back "as your prime and mate I will refuse your order and" he leaned in "you can't do anything about it"

You e/c optic twitched and your seeker wings held up high in irritation "say that again I dare you!" You snarled in which he snarled right back "!" Having enough you did the only sensible thing that you could think off.

You lunged for the fucker

No-ones pov

As the other Autobots were minding there own business they all yelped when you and Optimus came barreling out the wall and heard your growling as you kicked Optimus off you when he pinned you and growled.

Grabbing his shoulders you slammed him into a wall and held him there as he growled at you your wings flared out in dominance as he struggled against you.

His struggling stopped and he stared up at you and you grinned getting close to his face and purred/snarled to him "who's stronger now Prime?~"  He groaned "y you a are!" Grinning face you stood up helped him up.

Only to yelp when he threw you over his shoulder and walked to your berth room "OPTIMUS PUT ME DOWN!" He chuckled and purred to you.

"No can do y/n it's time to put you in your place~"......

Edited on the 03/09/22

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