RID SideSwipe x OC

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Okie dokie so this was request and it's about her OC aka War with SideSwipe. After finding War on a patrol SideSwipe takes her back to base and A reunion of twins happen. So without further a due enjoy!

SideSwipe's pov

I sighed while walking around the forest with boredom plaguing my mind as I past by a tree I heard a russel in the bushes and stopped in my tracks.

Getting my blaster out I turned around and fired at the bush and gasped when a figure jumped out and tackled me to the ground. Groaning I opened my optics and looked at the figure with shock "b Bee?!" The figure narrowed its optics at me.

Standing up I heard a few het smooth female voice say "actually my name is War but more importantly" she pointed her blade at my neck "how do you know my twins name?!"

Standing up I nervously chuckled and pointed at the direction we're base was at "he's my commander and is currently at base if you want I could take you there?" She looked at me confused but shrugs and helped me stand up. "Lead the way mech"

No-ones PoV

Once you made it there SideSwipe opened the gate and you gasped seeing a tall black and yellow bot that you know all to well "Bee?" You mumbled.

Said mech spun round and his baby blue optics widened he stepped back a little "W War?!" He eclipse and both twins ran to each-other and hugged tightly while tears pooled in there optics.

War giggled pulling away and fist bumped her brother with a large smile while said mech went on to introduce his team and she explained how she was here and how she got here. At the end of the day she turned on her holo-form and leaned shunt SideSwipe as the mech blushed.

Staring at the sunset she smiled gently and slowly closed her eyes as she was finally back with her twin or in this case.........

Her family.......

Edited on the 03/09/22

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