TFP Optimus Prime x predacon mech reader

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In this one-shot it's based on TFP beast hunters and the reader is a Predacon much larger then Predaking. This is a fluff/kissing one-shot so without further a due enjoy!

Optimus Primes pov

I sighed tiredly as all the other Autobots were asleep so I decided to go for a drive. Transforming I drive out of the base and admire the star filled sky not noticing a large shadow in the sky following me.

Pulling to a stop at a cliff I transform and sit venting I look at my new upgraded body as say "I am grateful Smokescreen but i wanted to pass I can't take this war any longer!". Tears left my optics as I covered my face-plate and sobbed.

"Ruff day huh?" I gasped and stood up when I heard a deep voice growl I turned and gasped again seeing a large Predacon looking at me with his e/c optics. Calming down once I saw it was Y/n.

 Calming down once I saw it was Y/n

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No-ones pov

You stared at the Prime as he wiped his tears away trying to hide from you, sighing you transformed into your bot mode.

Your e/c optics gazed at him as you approached him as he held his tears back chuckling you said "long time no see huh data clerk"

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Your e/c optics gazed at him as you approached him as he held his tears back chuckling you said "long time no see huh data clerk". He tackled your f/c larger frame to the ground and sobbed into your chest-plate. 

You purred as you nuzzled him whispering softly "it's ok my love I'm here and I'm never leaving you again"

(Another successful one-shot done my star-cubs!)

Edited on the 21/10/21

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