TF Robots in disguise SteelJaw x reader

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Scenario: you a Cybertronian and SoundWaves daughter ,you do not know who your mother was but she was a cyberwolf as you crash land on Earth in search for your Sire after he went missing you stumble upon a rather attractive cyberwolf named SteelJaw enjoy!

Y/N=your name.

C/O=colour of optics(eyes).

No-one's pov

You groaned as you crashed into the ground and slowly stumble out and before landing on your face-plates you growled softly and got up your e/c optics scanned the area and you smirked behind your visor as you saw two Autobots scouting the area you grinned as well showing very sharp pointed denta.

You transformed into your wolf form your f/c plates shimmered in the moon light and I slowly and quietly walked near there location. You see you had the decepticons third in command SoundWave to teach you his ways after all he is your sire (dad) and you walked up to the red one until the blue and white one screamed as she saw you "SIDESWIPE BEHIND YOU!" and shot at you.

"screw this!" you thought and ran deeper into the woods and panted as you looked behind you to see them nowhere in site you sighed and was about to transform until you heard a growl and then a smooth and deep voice say "let me guess Autobots giving you trouble newbie"

You turned around to see a tall, navy blue mech with wolf features you snarled and got into a defensive position.

He chuckled and said "no need to do that I'm on your side Y/N" you growled "how do you know my name!" he chuckled again and said "all cyberwolfs give off there own wave of information"

You stared at him and then transformed, your long f/c tail swishing back and forth as your ears perked up in interest while your visor slid back. Revealing your f/c face-plates and e/c optics.

SteelJaw's pov

Primus this wolf was one of beauty the way her tail moved and her ears twitched on high alert her face-plates look smooth and untouched by war.

I stepped closer to her and held out my servo and said "would you like to join me y/n?" she smiled and accepted my servo as we transformed into our wolf forms (just role with it!) and ran into the woods.

The start of a beautiful friendship has began....

Edited on the 15/10/21

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