Bayverse SunStreaker x human female reader

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Ok so in this one-shot you are a female human and SunStreaker doesn't like you or other humans at all! When he sees you stop coming to base to do your Nest missions he's sent to check on you. When he sees you being abused he loses it and begins to love you. So without further a due enjoy!

No-one pov

You hissed in pain as your so called 'father' grabbed your bruised arm "listen you little shit you tell anyone and I'll do more then beat you!". Whispering a quick "yes sir" you walk into Nest awaiting to do your missions for today.

Suddenly someone pushes you into a certain yellow front liner as you collapse to the ground hissing in pain. Said bot in his holo-form growls and turns to see you "watch it-Hey why are you bleeding!".

You looked down and gasped weakly seeing a pool of blood from your recent beating in front of you.

Your dull and tired e/c eyes widen and you scramble to get up only to yelp as pain flared across your side the. All you saw was black and the panicked voices of your team.


Groaning you open your e/c eyes and see that your home with your so called 'father' glaring at you. He raised his hand and slapped you across the face as you screamed in pain as he grabbed your hair.

Let the beating begin......

Another Timeskip

SunStreaker sighed as he drove to your house after receiving an audio full from Optimus and his brother. He hates to admit it but he has fallen in love with you the way your long h/c hair sways and frames your face. Your e/c eyes filled with relief even time you came to Nest.

Activating his holo-form he entered your house and was shock to see your beaten and bloodied body on the ground. Your father on his side holding his bleeding chest. He figured it out and killed your father and scooped up your form.

Pulling into the base he rushed to the medical bay and whispered softly.

"I'm sorry y/n I will never let anyone hurt you again!"

Edited on the 3/08/22

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