TFP Predaking x Onyx Prime's daughter reader

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You are the daughter of Onyx Prime and when PredaKing attack your friends your identity is revealed and you fight to save your human friends.

No-ones pov

You growled your e/c eyes narrowing as the Predacon snarled at your friends while charging up his flames and you growled back.

Turning to your friends you smiled at them as your body glowed "guess I can't hide it anymore guys" And with that your form was over taken by a bright light and the sound of transforming.

As the light faded a tall and large wolf dragon like bot stood in your place it's f/c plated and f/c lined armor shined as your tail swayed behind you as your e/c optics narrowed as a growl erupted threw your vocal cords.

"I am y/n Prime daughter of Onyx Prime!" You got in a attack position "and I will protect his planet and its people no matter what!" And with that you pounced on PredaKing.

You tackled him to the ground and you slammed your tail into his face after he pushed you off you shook your helm and looked at him as you both growled and circled each other.

Suddenly he transformed and kneeled "I do not wish to fight my kinds makers youngling" you transformed into your bot form as your f/c wings spread out and folded and your tail swayed back and fourth.

"I do not wish to fight you either Predaking  but please here my words" he looked at you confused "the Autobots did not mean to end your kin but Megatron was the one to destroy them because of one thing"

You kneeled beside him "Megatron fears you and any like you" he hissed in anger and stood up you placed your servo on his chest-plate and smiled gently at him. "But together we can rebuild our race and keep this planet safe from the real enemy so what say you PredaKing?"

He looked away with a look of though before he stared at your e/c optics with his yellow one and nodded.

"Lead the way avenge my kin lady y/n".......

Edited on the 02/09/22

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