G1-ish Vortex x big brother reader

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While walking inside a cave you and your little brother Vortex come across a insecticon that's tried to harm you both. In the end you kill it and without further ado enjoy!

No-ones pov

Growling You stood in front of your little brother as the insecticon stepped foreword hissing at you snarling you made your armor puff up and spread your rotors out to make your already large frame seem bigger.

Your brother whimpered and hid behind your leg as the bug got even closer and You growled out "I'm warning you take another step and I'll kill you!"

It didn't listen and took another step getting too close for comfort so without a second thought You charged and threw it to the ground. Your shoulder cannons onlined and fired at it and the bug screamed in pain when You lifted your ped up and slammed it onto its chest-plate killing it instantly.

Venting you stood back and walked towards Vortex and kneeled down as your face mask and visor slid back revealing your e/c optics and f/c face-plate.

"You ok bro?" He nodded and clung to your chest chuckling you stood up holding him close to you as You continued your walk through the cave trying to find a safer place for you both to recharge safely tonight.

Sitting down the mechling whimpered and you hushed him gently while petting his little rotors before smiling. "Hey" he looked up at you and You grinned as your fangs appeared "it's gonna be ok Vortex I'm here for you" he whimpered and nuzzled you as he slowly fell into recharge.

Looking at the cave walls You vented before looking down at Vortex again and smiled gently kissing his helm and slowly going into recharge while whispering.

"It's ok Vortex your safe...big brothers got you and he's never letting you go"....

Edited on the 27/10/21

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