HeatWave x Sparlking reader

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After QuickShadow, HeatWaves Spark-mate goes into labor and soon he is introduced to a cute little sparkling of his own (You). Also thank you so much for 53K Reads you guys are the best!

HeatWaves PoV

I sighed while pacing the halls waiting to finally go in and see QuickShadow and see my sparkling after hours of labor "I hope both of them are ok" I thought.

Suddenly the doors opened and I turned around seeing Chase walk out he placed his servo on my shoulder and smiled at me "congratulations HeatWave you have a healthy and beautiful little mech"

I froze "a a mech?!" He smiled and nodded for me to go in and I did without a doubt and saw QuickShadow holding a small bundle and breathed deeply "QuickShadow?" She looked up and smiled at me "Come meet your son HeatWave"

I slowly walked towards her and looked at him his beautiful blue optics staring right at me as his little fin like audio-receptors twitched.

No-ones Pov

You stared into your sires optics and babbled nonsense as your carrier giggled and nuzzled you gently causing you to coo. She turned and locked optics with HeatWave and said with a tired smile "why don't you hold him HeatWave" he hesitated at first but gently held you to his chest.

You cooed nuzzling into his chest as he chuckled and kissed your carriers helm you giggled and held your sires finger.

"What should we name him?" HeatWave asked and QuickShadow smiled down at you as you slowly closed your optics "I like the name y/n" he smiled as well as you cooed tiredly liking the name.

"Y/n? Yeah it's perfect".......

Edited on the 03/09/22

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