Bayverse Optimus x Megatron

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After the battle for Earths survival Optimus goes to find Megatron to talk only for true feelings to come out.

Optimus's PoV

I sighed gazing out into the star filled sky remembering yesterday's events and frowned slightly "if only there was another way Megatron" I mumbled.

Back on Cybertron before I was Prime and before the war my life was simple learning everything I could and talking to my first and real friend. I wish this never happened the loss of our people, the loss of our home.

Suddenly a rock fell from the mountain I was leaning on and stood up ready for an attack. Looking up I saw blue liquid slowly dripping down the mountain side.

Narrowing my optics while drawing my blade growling lowly "who's there?!"I heard a groan of pain and movement near my left and I turned the corner and gasped at what I saw.

No-ones PoV

Optimus froze seeing Megatron laid against the cliff holding his bleeding stump were his arm once was.

Hearing Optimus's gasp his optics widened and he struggled to get up only able to point his cannon at the Prime growling lowly.

"Megatron?" He Said in a whisper and said mech growled at him "what do you want Prime?!" He snarled out. Optimus put his cannon away and slowly walked towards him "I'm not gonna hurt you"

Megatron laughed bitterly "really I thought you were going too?!" He spat sarcasm dripping from every word. Optimus floor flinched and took a step back optics down casted.

Suddenly tears spilled from his optics as a sob wracked through his vents "I'm I'm sorry!" He blurred out "I'm so sorry Megatron! I never wanted to be a Prime I never wanted to fight you!"

Megatron laid there shocked at Optimus's changes of behavior and gulped he sighed standing up growing in pain as he did.

Bringing the Prime into a hug he sighed "I'm sorry for everything Orion" Optimus hugged back.

"Me too Megatronus me too"......

Edited on the 02/09/22

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