MTMTE Tarn x human reader

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In your universe we're transformers are made up you meet someone who you think is a Tarn role-player but he isn't he's the real deal.

No-ones pov

You laughed as Tarn said he was on the verge of killing his crew you messaged him back saying.

Y/n the Prime: really? Come on Tarn they can't be that back! 😂😂

Tarn: trust me they are 😡

Y/n the Prime: wow using emojis now I'm impressed Tarn 🧐🧐

Tarn: very funny y/n

Y/n the Prime: I know~

Tarn: can we meet in person?

Y/n the Prime: really?! 🤩🤩

Tarn: yes meet me at "random address" at 10pm

You ended the text with a "yes! 😋😋" And went to sleep exited to see who this Tarn role-player really is.


You woke the next morning and got ready feeling excitement bubble I your stomach and went to the address at 9:55pm waiting for this so called Tarn.

Hearing loud thundering steps you looked up and gasped seeing a large purple red eyed transformer staring into your e/c eyes "y/n?" It rumbled. You nodded and gasped remembering that voice from many phone calls "Tarn?" He nodded.

You smiled widely "you're real?!" He chuckled and laid out a large purple servo on the ground for you and you jumped on it.

Placing you in his shoulder you looked at him "can I try something?" You asked he nodded taking a deep breath you kissed his covered cheek-plate. He blushed underneath his mask.

"I've always wanted to kiss a transformer I'm glad it was you Tarn~"

Edited on the 02/09/22

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