BayVerse SideSwipe x female reader

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After surviving a Decepticon attack you were placed under SideSwipe's care but during a training session everything goes wrong and he comforts you.

No-ones pov

You groaned in pain when b/n punched you in the face and you fell to the ground her friends laughed as they surrounded you both "wow y/n I didn't know you were this pathetic!" She hissed out and walked away as you glared at her while holding your cheek.

Suddenly warm and muscled arms held you up and pulled you to a strong chest hearing a rumbling growl you immediately turned e/c eyes gazing up into angered blue eyes "S SideSwipe?"

He nodded and held you up as he gently walked you to the med-day and helped Ratchet treat your wounds. "You shouldn't let them bully you y/n!" You sighed and looked away from him "I know SideSwipe I know" you said with no emotion.

Ever since the Decepticons killed your family in front of you and NEST found you days later under the rubble of your house your emotions disappeared.

You shook your head from the thought and sighed walking out the building to get some fresh air not seeing SideSwipe's worried face-plate "oh y/n please be okay" he mumbled as he went back to training.

You stared up at the bright blue and cloudless sky closing your e/c eyes and relaxed yourself "tomorrows a new day it can't go bad".


It went wrong so very very wrong! First you arrive at work to your car being smashed and covered in paint, next you got tripped during lunch causing it to go all over and now b/n is in a ring in the training room challenging you to a fight.

You were about to walk away until she said "aw what the matter decepticons blow up your house again?"

You froze as memories flashed in your head and grit your teeth breathing deeply she smirked seeing your reaction and continued "I mean I don't blame them if your there daughter I would wanna die too!"

The girls around her stopped giggling as you growled lowly and saw this going to far IronHide watched as he held an arm out to stop SideSwipe "no this needs to be dealt with right now" SideSwipe looked at him shocked "she needs to show them she is not weak and not to be messed with just watch. The mech nodded and watched the scene in front of him.

"They deserved it you freak!" You looked at her deep into her very soul "SHUT UP!" You screamed and lunged taking her down to the ground as your vision went red.

"How would you like if one day your entire family dies in front of your very own eyes and I bullied you huh?!" You exclaimed in her face as you punched and punched at her face "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE IT IF YOU LOST EVERYTHING AND I BEAT YOU DAY'S AFTER HUH?!"

She coughed up blood as you picked her up and slammed her into a wall you screamed one more time before SideSwipe brought you into his arms and you sobbed all anger leaving your body.

He gently petted your long h/c hair as you hiccupped he growled at b/n his eyes flashing red before returning to blue. Lifting you up and carrying you out the room bridle style he made his way to his room.

Gently laying you on the bed he held you to his chest and purred the sound traveling threw your body and soothing your emotions.

"S SideSwipe?" You mumbled and he hummed in reply " t thank you" He chuckled and kissed your forehead as you slowly fell asleep the gentle hum of his spark soothing you even more.

"Your welcome little squishy"..........

Edited on the 03/09/22

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