TFP Arcee x son Prime reader

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After the attack on the base you sacrificed your life to save your family and the Prime give you a chance of life and you arrive just in time.

Arcee's pov

"Y/N NO!" I screamed seeing my son run through the portal "I can't let Prime die! I refuse to lose anyone else!" He Shouted.

Before I could run to him BulkHead held me back as the base exploded and the ground-bridge closed pushing him off me I dropped to my knees as sobs racked my frame before throwing my head back and yelled out "NOOOOO!"


Seeing the Predacon get closer towards the ship Arcee and the others prepared for there doom until a voice crackled to life on the radio breaking the silence "having a party without huh?" Arcee gasped.

A large and f/c and f/c outlined jet fired at the Predacon and they all stood there with wide optics as the jet transformed into a familiar looking mech with horns as your voice said "let rock dragon!" And slammed your fist into its face.

It screeched in pain as you stood there smirking "you mess with them you deal with me!" You fired at it and it screeches in anger slashing your side.

You grunted and your e/c optics narrowed "Alright scaley now its personal!" And with that you charged.


You panted and landed on the ground only to be tackled by your carrier as she sobbed holding your taller frame and you hugged her back.

"I thought I lost you!" Arcee sobbed you chuckled and stood up hugging her to your frame.

"I would never leave my family not without a fight"........

Edited on the 02/09/22

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