G1-ish StarScream, ThunderCracker and SkyWarp x carrier reader

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Let's take a journey into the three decepticon seekers last We're you there carrier are remembered even when your gone because of the war. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

"SkyWarp were are you?~" you giggled out softly while looking around for the little mechling seeker. "ThunderCracker? StarScream were are my little seekerlings?~"

Hearing a giggle you turned and smirked seeing a purple and silver wing pop out from behind the crate and your wings perked up hearing two other giggles along side it. "Oh were can my little babies be?" You stopped in front of the crate and smirked "hmm oh well I guess there not here better go look in there room"

You made fake walking away sound with your peds and stopped as a little black helm looked up and wide red optics meet your own e/c optics "found ya!" You Said And SkyWarp squealed with delight as you bent down picking him up along side his brothers and purred while nuzzling them.

"Well well we'll lookie what I have here three cute little mechlings to gobble up!" You tickled them and all three giggled StarScream tapped on your chest-plate weakly "c carrier s stop I it t tickles!"

Chuckling you carried them to there room and placed them on the berth as all three yawned. "Tired Thunder?" You giggled/asked seeing the blue sparkling rub his optics as he nodded tiredly. Covering there frames with a blanket you kissed there helms before gently humming a Cybertronian seeker lullaby passed down from your family.

Once all three were asleep you silently walked out the room whispering "good night my mechlings" before turning off the lights and closing the door.

Years later

StarScream sighed as he held the blanket in his servos staring at the star filled sky of Earth as SkyWarp slept soundly beside him and ThunderCracker stared at the sky with him.

"I miss carrier" he mumbled and Thunder gently patted his head smiling sadly "I do to bro but we have to live for him and end the war"

SkyWarp mumbled in his sleep and StarScream covered him with the blanket. Chuckling softly "I can't believe we all use to fit in that" Thunder chuckled along side him before picking Sky up and walking back inside wishing Star a good night.

Said mech stood up and whispered a "good night carrier" before walking back inside the ship not seeing a ghost of you smiling at him knowing all three will be safe soon before fading into the night as your voice echoed into the night.

"Good night my seekerlings".....

Edited on the 03/09/22

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