MTMTE Rodimus Prime x brother reader

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Being Rodimus's older brother can be difficult especially when he gets injured during a bar fight on the ship and its up to you to fix like always.

No-ones pov

You sighed relaxing against the desk and rubbed your e/c optics "Primus I'm so tired" you mumbled and looked at the time seeing it's still early in the day.

Hearing the loud blaring music coming form the bar you groaned and rolled your optics "I swear to Primus Rodimus if your having another party I'll kill you" you growled out and stood up.

Walking out of the door to your berth-room a small frame collided with your leg and you looked down seeing Rewind and TailGate panting "TailGate, Rewind? What's wrong?" Rewind spoke first "there's a first in the bar and Cycloness is about to offline your brother!"

You growled lowly picking up the two mini-cons and ran down the hall slamming into the bars door seeing Cycloness strangling Rodimus.

Transforming your f/c played servo into a blaster you fired it into the roof all helms snapped into your direction "WHAT IN THE NAME OF PRIMUS IS GOING ON HERE?!" You roared out.

They all froze and looked at you as you hand Rewind to ChromeDome and placed TailGate on the floor gently. You walked over to Cycloness and stared him down "release my brother now" he growled and You snarled he let Rodimus go.

Picking him up you held him by the audio-receptor "I expect you all in your berths now!" They all scrambled out as you dragged your brother with you.

"Ow y/n let go!" You pushed him into your shared berth-room and shut the door glaring at him with narrowed and cold e/c optics. "Y/n I-" you interrupted "when our creators were killed I promised to protect you with my life"

He went silent and you continued "when Optimus passed I promised to look out for not my brother but Prime" You clenched your servos and glared at him "I can't do that if you staring fights with an ex-con and nearly getting offlined!" He went to speak but you growled.

"Your a Prime now Rodimus you have responsibilities the ship and the crew to worry for and doing this!" You gestured yo his scratch form "isn't helping anyone!"

He sighed "y/n I'm sorry I try ok" you took a deep intake "I know I'm hard on you Rodimus but I am so you and the others a safe the Matrix chose you for a reason" hugging him gently you whispered.

"Now you need to prove that reason".......

Edited on the 02/09/22

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