Sunstreaker x femme reader 🍋🍋🍋🍋

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Ok so in this one-shot you the reader are a Cybertronian femme gladiator and you catch a certain front-liners attention. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

Walking down the halls of Nest was boring especially since the decepticons were keeping a low profile it was nice. Your f/c wings twitched in boredom as your e/c optics scanned everything as you vented.

Growling when you heard the sirens go off, cursing silently you made your way to the hangout area and waited against a wall for the mission. You saw Optimus transforming and driving away you took this as the go sign and took to the sky.


Limping down the hall you growled and cursed in your language as your e/c optics dimmed in tiredness. SunStreaker watched you as your wings lowered and he saw your limp growling under his breath he walked over to you.

You saw him and smiled showing your fang denta "hey SunStreaker" you said tiredly. He grunted and pinned you to the wall as you yelped. Kissing you roughly your optics widen as you wrapped your legs around him "you me berth-room now". You shivered at his tone of voice and nodded.

Another Timeskip

Pining you down your wings perked up and you moaned as he thrusted into you like a wild animal. You moaned loudly and he bit down on your wings then your neck-cables marking you as his and his alone.

Both of you came together and you moaned out "SunStreaker!" And He roared out "y/n!" He kissed you "I love you y/n" he purred. Giggling you purred back and said "love you too Sunny"

(Well I hope you enjoyed the one-shot see ya in the next one my star-cubs!)

Edited on the 3/08/22

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