G1 StarScream x shy reader

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During a battle gone wrong Megatron takes his anger out on StarScream but what happens when the shyest of all decepticons stands up for him. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones PoV

You sighed as your wings lowered to your back hearing Hook nag at StarScream for the state of his frame and nervously played with your digits near them. 

Handing a certain tool Hook needed and giving StarScream mental support through your newly formed spark bond.

"Primus StarScream who did this?!" Said mech kept his head down and you growled mentally knowing exactly who did it. 

But due to your shy nature you didn't do anything well you weren't even in the room when it happened.

After he got patched up you helped him to his berthroom were his brothers watched with concern filled optics as you gently helped him lay on the berth.

Staring at him with worried e/c optics you kissed his helm crest and blushed while stuttering out a "g good n night" before turning and leaving the room. Not seeing his brothers smirking at his blushing face-plate.


Hearing a scream echo across the hall you snapped your helm up into its direction as a painful feeling tugged at your sparks as you grunt clutching it.

Hook saw your optics go from e/c to a pale white as you growled and cursed but before he could stop it you took off into the hall.

Venting you reached the throne room and slammed open the throne room for and froze at the sight informs of you.

StarScream laid in the ground whimpering as he held his wounded wing as energon leaked from many deep cuts in his frame. 

You looked at the smirking Megatron his servos covered with your mates energon you growled loudly catching everyone's attention.

"MEGATRON THIS ENDS NOW!" You roared and lunged tackling him to the ground and punched him over and over and used your razor sharp servos. You glared down at him as he stared at you with fear filled optics.

"For your crimes against our home and race and my mate you die" raisin. Your claws up more you growled "perish Megatronus!" 

And with that you plunged your claws into his chest ripping out his spark as he screamed before going silent.

Venting you stood up as your wings were held high in a display of dominance and intimidation staring at the other you walked up to StarScream and held him in your arms. He purred while nuzzling you. You looked at the other bots and growled lowly.

"The war ends now any questions?".....

Edited on Tuesday 13th August 2024

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