Bayverse SideSwipe x reader x SunStreaker

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After a portal mysteriously opens up in front of you and being dragged into it. You wake up in the Bayverse world and SideSwipe and SunStreaker become your Charges.

No-ones pov

You sighed staring out of your window debating life your parents kicked you out and now you live in a small apartment trying to make a living.

Looking at your Transformers poster you groaned "I wish I was in Transformers Bayverse not this crappy excuse of life!" As it seems the gods listened a blue and green portal opened up in your apartment.

You gasped backing away from it until it pulled you in and you screamed your body disappeared and the portal closed as did the world around you.

SideSwipe's pov

After receiving a large energy blast on the scanners Optimus, IronHide, Jazz, SunStreaker And myself were sent to find out what it was.

"IM SO BORED WE'VE BEEN DRIVING FOR HOURS!" I Shouted I whined when SunStreaker hit me mentally over the bond "stop being such a sparkling!" Pouting I huffed and saw a blue and green portal open up a figure fall out of it.

The figure slowly stood up not seeing Optimus heading straight for it "OPTIMIS STOP THERES A HUMAN ON THE ROAD!" But it was too late he hit the figure and it went back with a yelp.

Stopping we all transformed "PRIMUS!" Optimus shouted worried about the figure I walked towards it and saw the figure was a female human around 17 to 18 with longish h/c hair with dyed f/c tips I poked her and she shot up with a gasp. She looked at me and screamed "AHHHHHHH!"

No-ones pov

You groaned slowly opening your eyes and looked around you seeing a road hearing a trucks engine you turned and saw a blue and red truck with flames "Optimus?"

Yelping when he hit you and you collapsed onto the ground with a thud groaning in pain slightly. You heard the sound of transforming and something big poking your side you shot up with a gasp and your e/c eyes stared in blue optics.

You did the only thing a normal person would do you screamed "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The robot jumped back into a yellow on and you stood up looking around you.

"WERE AM I?!" Panting you saw a stick and picked it up pointing it at Optimus "You Prime explain to me where in the AllSparks name I'm I?!" You started to panic then it clicked "IM IN TRANSFORMERS?!" You passed out.


You giggled when SideSwipe picked you up and place you on his shoulder "come on y/n were gonna be late!" Rolling your e/c eyes at him.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say Sides" SunStreaker grunted "Aww is Sunny a little grumpy?" He growled at you "watch it squishy" you giggled and looked at the sunset.

After being teleported here and with no way to get back home you decided to live life to the fullest with you wish.

With your guardians along side you.....

Edited on the 02/09/22

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