Optimus prime x Solus prime

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Ok this is a ship request I think between thee Optimus Prime and Solus Prime. It's starts off as the war continues on cybertron Optimus has no choice but to hide Solus as she is the last femme and Prime along Optimus left. And I hope you enjoy it and I do not own the image at the top!

Optimus's pov

I ran through the destroyed and energon covered halls of Cybertron as I tried to reach Solus before Megetronus did I can't let him kill her with Primus asleep she is our only hope and my remaining sibling.

I ran into her chamber and shouted "SOLUS! WHERE ARE YOU SOLUS!" I heard shuffling and a "BROTHER!" as a force smashed into my chest-plate's I wrapped my arms around her as she sobbed and I tried to sooth her saying "shh its ok little sister I've got you".

She looked at me and said "Optimus I'm scared!" I sighed and held her tightly until a sudden explosion shook the building. Solus shrieked and clung to me more as she sobbed I gasped as I heard the sound of blaster fire I grabbed Solus's servo and ran out of the building as it collapsed.

I was soon tackled by a massive blur and saw him "Megatronus" I snarled as he chuckled saying "long time no see Optimus" he grinned as he said "now back to business were is our little sister?"

I growled lowly and said through gritted denta "you will not touch her!". His grin disappeared and his battle mask slid on as did mine and with our blades drawn we charged at each other.


No-one's pov

Optimus panted as he carried his unconscious sister wincing every now and then as a large gash settled itself on his chest as he made his way to the escape pods and placed her in it.

He set the location in and watched as the pod closed and shot off into the sky leaving this dead planet they once called father and home "stay safe my little sis" he whispered as energon tears streamed down his face-plates.

The end.

(Hope you enjoyed this one-shot and sorry for the wait I've been really busy with college!)

Edited on the 15/10/21

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