Bayverse Dino/Mirage x reader

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Hello my star-cubs! Ok so in this one-shot the reader (you) works for Nest and you have been dating Mirage for a while now. So when your colleagues flirt with you he gets a little jealous and marks you once and for all. So without further a due enjoy!                                                                                

No-ones pov

You sigh as you rolled your e/c eyes at the new recruit whiles he flirted with you not noticing Dino's deathly glare aimed at the recruit.

Turning to face the idiot before your Cybertronian mate kills him and said "look you seem like a nice guy but I'm not interested ok!"

The man chuckled and pinned you to the wall as everyone in the hanger watched with worry as Dino's growled rumbled through the air. "You don't get to decide that sweet cheeks" finally having enough with this ass-hole you narrow you e/c eyes.

Lifting your leg up you knee him in the balls and grabbed his arm twisting it and throwing him over your shoulder and onto the ground. Holding his arm back you twisted it as he whimpered in pain as you growled out "on the ground idiota and stay there!".

Dino's optics widened as his engine revved with a purr as you let the man go only to turn around and soccer kicked him in the balls. As he bowled in pain you walked towards your mate with a sway in your hips.

Once your near him you smirk and flip your long h/c hair and say with a purr "did I do good sweetie?" He nodded with a growl. Lifting you up and walking into his room while locking the door you strip.

Now only in your f/c bra and panties as he transforms into his smaller state as you grinned "come and get me big boy". He pinned you to the bed and he slowly went in you whimpered in pain but soon moaned in pleasure.

After a minutes of screaming and growling of pleasure he bite down hard on your neck with his sharp fangs as you both came. Licking your neck then kissing you he growled out huskily "your mine and mine only my spark". You purred in agreement.

"Only yours my mech"

(Well I hope you like the one-shot my star-cubs and sorry for the long wait requests are still open!)

Edited on the 3/08/22

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