Tfp BulkHead x wrecker reader x WheelJack

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You are a Autobot wrecker and your ship crash lands on Earth while fighting the decepticons some old friends of your appear on the scene. So enjoy my readers!

No-one pov

Growling lowly your f/c plated battle mask slid over your face-plate as your f/c seeker wings twitched in pain at the small plasma wound on them and  hissed in Cybertronian a range of colorful curses.

Turning to the decepticons you growled out "do you cons even know how sensitive a seekers wings are?!" Looking at the one with wings you chuckled darkly "your about to find out!"

And with that you charged


Dropping the last con optics the floor you stretched only to get into a fighting stance as a ground-bridge opened and out came two boys you thought you'd never see again.

"BulkHead! WheelJack!" They turned and looked at you gasping "y/n!" You all group hugged laughing BulkHead punch your shoulder gently "you old rust bucket your alive!"

Chuckling you punch him gently "Hey now there Bulk I'm younger then you and Jackie combined!" Hearing pedsteps you turned and saw Prime nodding your head in respect "Sir" nodding his head back "solider"

WheelJack chuckled "you do realize Magnus is back at base" groaning you started to walk.

Walking into the ground-bridge you turned and said "well let's get to the base shall we? My wings are in need of repair"

(Hello my star-cubs hope you enjoyed the one-shot see you in the next one!)

Edited on the 21/10/21

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