MTMTE FirstAid x twin brother reader

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While at the bar a fight breaks out causing your twin to get injured and you go protective mode on the fragger that dares to hurt your brother. So without further a due enjoy!

No-ones pov

You sighed rubbing your servo down your masked face-plate as the bars music filled the air and the sounds of drunk bots passed by. Meanwhile your slightly younger twin brother your twin sat next to the mini-cons happily chatting away with them causing you to smile faintly.

As you were about to get up and call it an early night you heard a yelp and saw Whirl and Cyclonus fighting as your brother held his bleeding arm. Rage filled your spark and you growled loudly as it echoed through the club stopping every bot in there tracks.

You walked up to both mechs causing Cyclonus to back away feeling your anger pulsating off you in waves.

Holding your brothers arms and seeing the energon fall from it your growled again and spun around punching Whirl in his one optic and before he could react you had him pinned against the table with your blade out.

"Hey y/n calm down!" Rodimus said trying to help until you snarled at him with hidden optics flashing a deadly white causing him to back up.

Releasing Whirl you glared at him threw your visor "take your fight outside Whirl" you growled out and went to help your brother up and looked at his wound sighing.

"Come on lets get you to Ratchet" guiding him to the exit he looked around and blushed behind his mouth guard as many bots stared at him. "Y y/n?" You turned and he hugged you in the hallway "thank you brother" you chuckled and patted his helm.

"Your my twin I'm always gonna protect you!".......

Edited on the 03/09/22

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