TFP KnockOut x Predawolf reader part 3 finale

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No-ones pov

KnockOut paced around the cave groaning in pain every once in a while as his time to birth his sparkling came quicker. Y/n was out trying to find a special type of flower that can help him during the birth.

With you

Growling you slashed PredaKing across the face as you snarled "I don't have time pup! My mate needs me!" PredaKing snarled back "I'm king not you!".

Snarling you jumped up and slammed your tail down on his head as he screeched in pain. Landing on your paws your chest glowed f/c and with a roar you fired your flames at him.

Running full speed at him your e/c optics slit and you tackled him pinning him to the ground "kneel to me pup and I will spare your life!". Whimpering he nodded.

Back with KnockOut

I screamed in agony as I pushed my first sparkling out as I heard the sound of wings and then a thud. Lifting my head I saw y/n covered in dirt his f/c and s/c frame dented and covered in scratches.

You transformed into your bot form and ran to KnockOut as he clung to you "it it's a mech" looking down your e/c optics widened.

You held in your clawed servos a red and f/c framed mechling with bright e/c optics. His ears twitched as his tail swayed.

Smiling you purred as you nuzzled him "I'll call you s/n". KnockOut held Another mechling with a f/c and red highlighted frame as his tail swayed and his ears pointed up as his beautiful red and e/c tinted optics stared up at his carrier. "And your name shall be s/n"

Both purred as KnockOut nuzzled you lovingly.

You finally have the finally you always wanted.........

Edited on the 21/10/21

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