Bayverse CrossHairs x femme reader

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When news about CrossHairs being captured by the decepticons you argue with your sire Optimus after he forbade you to intervene. Also this was requested my BlackRose126 So enjoy my star-cubs!

No-ones pov

You growled e/c optics glaring into your sires very spark "why?!" You snarled out  your sire sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose "I told you y/n CrossHairs is a skilled warrior and you are not going out there to rescue him!"

Your f/c frame shook with anger and you stomped off "you never let me do anything!" As you transformed in f/c Lamborghini and speed off into the night ignoring your sire's shout of protest and calls for you.


"Scrap sire is gonna kill me!" You mumbled as you sneak through the hall of decepticon territory.

Reaching the lab you gasped seeing CrossHairs laying on a table covered in energon he turned his helm and stared at you then passed out. Ripping the straps off you lifted him on your shoulder and walked out of the lab and near the exit. Placing him in the ship you turned hearing a gun loading and gasped there stood Megatron.

Your e/c optics narrowed as you smirk kicking him in the balls and turning off the edge while giving him the finger. "Up yours megabucket!"

Starting the ship you flew far away from him putting the cloaking device on as CrossHairs groaned out "y/n? Your sire isn't gonna be happy" you turned and smirked.

"Sorry cross but my sire ain't important right now!"

(Well I hope you enjoyed this one-shot sorry if it was short my star-cubs!)

Edited on the 7/08/22

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