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Toy chicas PoV

I change Paris nappy and put her into her pyjamas. I tuck her in before kissing Paris on her head.

I turn the light off and close the door behind me gently. I walk into the living room to see toy bonnie on my phone.

Hey how comes your on my phone I ask. Toy Bonnie lifts his head up from my phone looking angry.

Why is this person texting you?? toy bonnie says angrily showing me the unknown number from earlier on today.

I don't know who that is I say honestly. Why are you so angry anyways? I ask.

Because who ever this person is, they are mentioning our daughter! Toy Bonnie raises his voice.

I narrow my eyes at him, don't you shout at me I don't know who this person is and I was going to tell you! I shout.

Well who do you think it is then? toy bonnie says angrily. I don't know, maybe Vincent I say.

Toy Bonnie runs his fingers through his hair angrily. If it is I swear to actual fuck toy bonnie says.

Can I have my phone back now i say holding my hand out. No, I'm going to see if this person texts again toy bonnie says.

Who ever it is they aren't going to text back so just give me my phone! I say getting angry again.

No toy Bonnie speaks holding my phone tighter in his hands. I clench my fists, if your going to be like that I won't talk to you for the rest of the night I say stomping away to our bedroom and slam the door behind me.

I sigh as I plop down on the bed. I hate arguing with toy Bonnie because we never do it. I hope we didn't wake Paris up because I will feel so bad of we did.

I scream Into the pillow letting out some frustration but sadly it doesn't work.

I lay face down on the pillow not bothering to move. I lift my head back up when I hear a knock on the door.

Yes! I call out. Can I come in toy bonnie says, yeah I say. Toy Bonnie enters the bedroom looking sad.

I'm sorry I shouted at you It just scared me because I don't want anything bad to happen to you and Paris toy bonnie says.

I sigh before speaking, I'm sorry too I just got mad I say. Toy Bonnie opens his arms waiting for me to step Into them.

I get up from the bed and wrap my arms around him. I hate arguing toy Bonnie says kissing my head.

Same I say looking up at toy bonnie. I stare into his eyes lovingly. Toy Bonnie slowly closes the gap between us.

I melt into the kiss wrapping my arms around his neck. Toy Bonnie lifts me up from under my thighs.

I wrap my legs around his waist feeling him getting hard. Toy Bonnie drops me onto the bed gently making me squeal.

He crawls on top of me making me bite my bottom lip. I feel toy Bonnies hard on through his bottoms.

I lift my hips up from the bed and grind my woman hood on toy bonnie making him groan.

Fuck~ toy Bonnie groans. I lift my top over my head throwing it to the floor. Toy Bonnie kisses my stomach as he unbuttons my jeans.

He rips off my jeans and throws them somewhere in the room. Toy Bonnie smirks as he slowly pulls down my knickers.

I'm getting inpatient so I help him pull them off. I spread my legs wide apart waiting for me.

Toy Bonnie licks my clit slowly making me moan. I have been waiting for this for nine months and so was toy bonnie.

I close my eyes from pleasure as toy Bonnie eats me out. I hold onto toy bonnie head pushing him further.

I pull on toy Bonnies hair making him groans against me. I'm so close I moan loudly, then all of a sudden I release.

Toy Bonnie licks me clean. He moves his face away from my woman hood. His eyes are full of hunger and lust which makes me turn on even more.

Toy Bonnie quickly pulls off his top and bottoms. I lean over and open the bedside table draw to grab a condom.

Toy Bonnie pulls down his boxer and I slid the condom onto his manhood. Lay back for me beautiful toy bonnie says biting his bottom lip.

I do as I am told and lay back on the bed. Toy Bonnie opens my legs and slides into me making me moan.

Toy Bonnie pulls me closer spreading my legs more apart. Toy Bonnie moves fast inside me making me moan loudly.

Toy Bonnie leans down and put his hands on either side of my head. His hands grab the covers as he goes faster.

I look into toy bonnie eyes. He looks at me with hunger. I dig my nails into his back as my eyes roll to the back of my head.

I'm so close beautiful toy Bonnie says out of breath, Same I breathe. Toy Bonnie releases inside of me as I do the same.

Toy Bonnie pulls the condom off and throws it in the small bin that we have in our room. I missed that so much I say smiling.

I fucking needed that after all those nine month toy bonnie smiles bringing me closer, Same I say kissing his lips.

We pull apart when we hear Paris crying. We get up, I grab toy Bonnie t-shirt was he puts his boxers on.

We walk out of the bedroom and into Paris's room. I turn the light on and toy bonnie lifts Paris out of her cot.

It's ok toy bonnie says holding her close. Paris lays her head on his shoulder as she slowly stops crying.

She probably wants us i say smiling playing with her hair. For a couple days old baby she has a lot of hair.

Toy Bonnie sways side to side gently waiting for Paris to go back to sleep. She berry's her face into toy bonnie neck.

She definitely loves you I say. Toy Bonnie strokes her head as he kisses her forehead.

She can sleep in the middle of us tonight I say. Toy Bonnie nods instead of speaking because he doesn't want to wake her up.

We turn the lights off in Paris's room and close the door. I turn the house lifts off and make sure tate is sleeping in his bed.

The only light that is left on is our bedroom lamp. Toy Bonnie is already in bed with Paris laid next to him.

I turn the lamp off and get into bed. I wrap my arms around Paris as toy bonnie has both of his arms around us both.

I kiss Paris goodnight on her cheek and so does toy bonnie. Love you i whisper, love you toy bonnie whispers back.


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