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After seeing our new house we head back  home. "I can't wait for tonight I can already tell I'm going to have a major hangover tomorrow" I say.

"Everyone is excited as well literally everyone from our year at school is coming to" Toy Bonnie says.

Toy Bonnie pulls up to my mums, after getting out I carry a sleeping Paris inside.

"I love you" I say to Paris as Toy Bonnie opens the door. I walk in and go into the living room and lay down on the sofa with Paris laying on my chest asleep.

"Look at how big she's getting" I whisper as Toy Bonnie sits down on the sofa. "All of her hair is the same colour as mine now" Toy Bonnie says happily.

"I love her so fucking much" I say as I kiss her forehead. Paris's eyes flutter open she looks up at me whining.

"What's wrong princess?" I asks rubbing her back gently. Paris looks at her dad and starts making baby noises even more.

"I thinks she wants you to hold her" I laughs slightly. Toy Bonnie smiles as he scoops her up in his arms.

Pairs giggles for the first time making me look at Toy Bonnie in shock. "Omg she's laughing" I say happily.

Toy Bonnie smothers her in kisses. I love Toy Bonnies and Paris's bond their so close. Paris rests her head on Toy Bonnies shoulder as she sucks her thumb.

Toy Bonnie slightly sways side to side making Paris more sleepy. "I'm going to put her to bed so she can have her afternoon nap" Toy Bonnie says as he starts to walk up the stairs.

Minutes later Toy Bonnie runs into the living room and dives on me. "Ah Toy Bonnie!!" I Laugh as Toy Bonnie lays on top of me.

"Toy Bonnie get off you heavy bastard!!" I laugh playfully. Toy Bonnie lifts himself up slightly smirking down at me.

"What?" I ask trying to keep a straight face as Toy Bonnie looks down at me. "Someone has attitude today" Toy Bonnie says lowering his face slightly making me feel nervous.

"Y-Yeah and" I say squaring up, "no more cuddles" Toy Bonnie says smirking.

My eyes widen as I try to think of something to say, "w-well no more sex" I say back with my arms crossed.

"No no no no I'm sorry i don't mean to say no more cuddles" Toy Bonnie says. I stick my tongue out as I wrap my legs around Toy Bonnies waist.

I place both of my hands on Toy Bonnies cheeks smiling at him. "Shouldn't you start getting ready for your party because you take ages to get ready" Toy Bonnie says.

"In a minute" I say moving my face closer to Toy Bonnies as I stare at his plumped kissable lips.

I close the gap between us slowly, I move my lips in sync with Toy Bonnies. I feel Toy Bonnies big hands gets tangled up in my long hair.

I feel Toy Bonnie slides his tongue into my mouth. I moan quietly as I feel his tongue move against mine.

I pull Toy Bonnies bottom lip gently with my teeth, letting go so I don't hurt Toy Bonnie.

Toy Bonnie pulls apart slightly as he takes off my top. I can't help but feel excited, "I ain't going to go too too far because I want to leave that to after the party" Toy Bonnie whispers in my ear making me slightly wet.

"I want you now bebe" I whine as I pout, "I want you to but leave birthday sex till after the party" Toy Bonnie smirks.

"Fine I'm going to tease you through out the night till then" I wink. Toy Bonnie licks his lips sexily before closing the gap between us once again.

Toy Bonnie x Toy chica|| book 2||Where stories live. Discover now